9: Unexpected Ally

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That's where I was headed.

A part of me dreaded it and another part was excited.

I'm going to meet Severus Snape.
My idol.

Since I was coming down from the 7th floor, I had to hurry.

'Gosh. Can't hogwarts have magical lifts or something?' I thought.

'Hahaha nope. We have to suffer. And if you are late, you'll make a bad impression, althought it wouldn't matter. He hates our guts anyway.' Harry says nonchalantly.

'Yeah. We are going to change that' I replied as I was running down the stairs. That's when i got an idea.

"Wingardian Leviosa" I said pointing to myself.

I stated floating.

I guided my magic to drop me down slowly and carefully.

And that's how we take full advantage of magic.

I was exactly 2 mins early for class.

Just as I settled, severus entered.

"Today we will be making antidotes to some common poisons, the instructions are on the board, you may begin" he says as he flicks his wand at the board which now had instructions on it.

I was looking at him with so much awe. I'm suprised he didnt take points for daydreaming.

Although Ron was not that good at potions. (Sorry Ronnikins) we managed to brew a fantastically perfect potion. With mine and Harry's practice in cooking and my talent to follow instructions, it wasn't that hard.

Did I tell you I was the top of my grade in my world? I intend to keep it that way here too.

Neville blew up his potion. Crabbe tried to sabotage mine. He failed by the way.

When we had around 5 mins for the bell to ring, I picked up my courage and went to the front desk where Severus was sitting.

"What is it that you want Mr. Potter?" Severus asked. I'm suprised he hasn't insulted me yet.

"Sir, I would like to talk to you. Can you please tell me when you are free? It is about asphodele. And a Riddle is involved as well. Im sure the half blood prince is curious to know how I know about Eileen." I say in a low voice, although I did put up privacy charms.

"Meet me at 6. We will dine in my quarters." He said in a neutral voice and expression.

Wow. No wonder he is the best occlumens around.

The rest of the day goes as normally.

At 5 45. I inform my friends that I will not be joining them for dinner as I have a little catching up to do.
They didn't pry more.

I took my invisibility cloak and headed down to the dungeons.

I knocked on Severus' door and he opened it.

He looked livid.

"How did you know?" He asks in such a way that if i had been a normal student, I would have ran away as fast as I could.

"I'm not Harry. I come from a different universe. A universe where all of your lives are part of a book series. That is how I know so much sir. I know the future. Though, it may change because of me being here, but I know a future that can be possible."

I felt him probe into my head. Legilamency. Okay.

"Sir, I have learnt the art of occlumency, but I will drop my walls for you. The only thing i ask is for you to NOT go to Dumbledore regarding this. He has manipulated everyone. I don't want him to know that his 'golden boy'" (I made sure to sneer as I say that) " is thinking on his own.

I opened my mind to him.

He looked around until he was satisfied.

"Very well, miss Exostrefis. Is it?" He asked in a neutral voice.

"Yes sir."

"The Fact that you know so many things about everyone and that potter will never willing call me sir, I belive who you are."

I was about to speak when he beat me to it.

"And no. I will not be going to the old coot regarding this information. Though I must warn you, he is a legilamens. Keep your mind guarded."

"Yes sir, I will, thank you sir"

"If you need any assistance you may contact me" he says.

"Okay sir. Thank you" 

With that I head back to the common room.

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