6:The Real Hogwarts

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"Wake up Harry, Wake up Ronald" Hermione says as she Rips away the warm blankets.

There goes my dream of eating a whole tub of chocolate ice-cream all by myself, without having to share.

'We are going back home today' Harry squeals.

'Yeah. Hogwarts. In real life. Wow.' I thought, it felt so surreal.

"We will be ready soon mione. And our bags are packed. Sirius is blonde and ready."
Yes, I told them about Sirius being innocent. And the complete whole story. Them nor knowing would just cause inconveniences for me.

"We will be ready in 20 mins"

"Stick to your word boys" Hermione says in a sing-song voice.

With that she left.

We rush to get ready.
And true to our word we were ready under 20 mins.

We reached the platform and Mrs Weasley starts to give us the usual  "Don't go looking for Black, stay out to trouble Fred and George, get enough food and rest. Take care of yourself"

Did I tell you that i made a decoy rat that looked exactly like scabbers and let it run away infront of Ron so that he believes his pet is gone? No? Well you have it now.

Ron was really devastated. He still is. But I think he will get over it soon.

We get onto the train and sit in an empty compartment. Professor Lupin- (I will have to keep saying that to get used to it) slept.

He said he had some work last night, which was a full moon btw. And he came back really tired and drained like he broke every bone of his body. Which he did.

He still didn't tell me about his lycanthrophy. And I won't force it out of him.

I've been practicing occlumency and I've become so much better at it now.

That's what I countinue doing and suddenly the train stops and it gets dark and cold. Blonde padfoot, who's name we decided as snuffles, stated shivering. I woke Remus up and just as he reached for his wand a dementor came into our cabin.

I stated feeling really cold.

Then I heard it. A woman's screams. And then I saw green light.

That's when I came to.

Remus' woried eyes met my confused ones.

And suddenly......

I had chocolate shoved in my mouth.
(You expected something dramatic, didn't you???)

It made me feel better and I went back to thinking and talking with head Harry.

'What was that? Who screamed? Was it real? I've seen that light before. ' Harry kept speaking but I cut him off

'Stop talking and I will answer, That was a dementor. The guard of Azkaban? The ones that suck out your happiness. And it was a memory. Probably yours. From the night your mom died. And the light is the killing curse. The one that killed your mother'

Harry was quiet for a long time after that.

'Are you okay Harry? 'I asked, concerned.

'Yeah. But it's not everyday that you relive the moment of your mom's death. I'll be OK'

I could feel his sadness.


The train came to a halt after 30 more minutes. And wow.


It was magnificent.

Just like in the movies but better. So much better.

The train came to a stop and we got off.

"Hello 'arry!" I saw Hagrid's huge form

"HI Hagrid! It's good to see you"

"You too 'arry. "

With that we head inside. The great hall was packed with people by the time we reached.

We sat in the far corner and started eating.

I'm sure I hear Hermione muttering something along the lines of "eating like a pig" and "hogging food".

My graze wandered to the front of the great hall.

The teachers looked exactly like their actors.

I strengthened my metal barriers before looking at snape and just as he suspected he tried to probe into my head but I looked away.

He was suprised, but he hid it well.

I need him as an ally.

I will be working on that soon.

But for now, let's enjoy the present.

'Rightly said Ruby, the present is a present 🎁 ' Harry said.

He's so cool with someone else being in control of his body. He's such a sweet kid.

'Awww.... thank you' guess who heard my thoughts? Harry.

Since I learnt the occlumency tricks I can think without Harry getting a window into my thoughts. It was hard to learn but I could do it

What do you say? Im amazing.

We went to our dorms.
And boy was it beautiful.

Everything was Red and gold. It was so pretty.

I went to the bed that was mine and put my stuff where I want it to be and slept.

'A very good night Ruby'
'Good night Harry'

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