14 : Draco !?

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It was an excruciatingly long 1½ month wait for Yule break.

The classes were boring as usual but I did get to learn new things.

Padfoot and I bonded a little during the weekends but he was almost always in dog form.

His prankster side was showing.

The Weasley twins, Remus, padfoot and I had orchestrated around 7 successful pranks till now. Most of them were directed towards the headmaster. And he did not take offence. Just laughed it off. Granted that our pranks were nothing severe.

Changing the color of his clothes to dark shades of blue, red, black and green was one of the things that we did.

And boy did that look odd.

The best thing that happened in the last month was the Weasley twins' reaction when the found out who made their legendary map.


"Hey Weasle-dee and Weasle-dum. Why is there such a depressing atmosphere in hogwarts? What happened to the pranking?" I asked them earlier this month.

"Hello Harriet! Do you perhaps Want to join in our next one?" They asked surprising me.

Oh, about the nicknames, they hate that name and I hate being called Harriet. So that's what we call each other. Simple.

"I would prefer prongslet to Harriet" I mumbled but they heard me. And their faces were priceless !!


"shit" I didn't think they were going to catch that. It's a good thing we are in the grounds. Where not many people are present.

What's up with people and staying as far away from exercise as possible??

"Yeah guys, my dad was Prongs." I say in an awkward manner.

"That means you know who the others are !!!! Tell us oh great prongslet! We beg of you" they fell to my feet.

I actually felt bad for them. So I told them.

"Did you know? Professor Lupin is moony. And he has had snuffles since he was in hogwarts. Snuffles is padfoot."

Their expression set me into a fit of laughter that didn't stop for 20 mins straight.

~End of Flashback ~

We are headed back today.

I said my goodbyes to Ron and Hermione and was on my way to the train station.

Technically, Remus and Sirius think that I am going to go to my caring, loving relatives. But ill tell Them the truth when I cone back. And Pettigrew is NOT escaping this time.

I boarded the train much later than the other students. And I didn't find an empty compartment. But I found Neville.

Remember the shy, sweet boy with a million insecurities and anxiety issues? The one who grew up to be one of the best people in the series?

Yeah. I really want to be friends with him.

"Hey Neville. Is this seat taken?" I asked politely.

"Oh-yeah-no-no-not-taken. It's not taken. Do you w-want to s-s-it here?" He stuttered.

"That would be nice Neville.  If you don't mind." I say.

"Sure. " He said timidly.

Throughout the train journey we bonded a little. He was a nice kid once he gets over his anxiety issues. We talked about herbology, quidditch, the last war, his gran, my relatives etc. I didn't get into too much details about my home life and he didn't pry.

We soon reached kings cross. And we got down and said our goodbyes.

Off to privet drive we go.

But before that. We have one more stop to go. Spinners end.

An early Christmas present for Severus.

So that's where I go.

I took a taxi to Spinners end. Severus said that he will be apparating to his house at 6 today. It was 5:45 now. So, he'll be home just in time. Perfect. I had my snake, sliza he liked to be called, around my wrist.

No. I didn't forget about him.

The taxi took off.

And it was a long and boring 45 minutes. I didn't know it took so long.

But then I saw the house. I knocked. Precisely 3 times.

And the door was opened by......

Cliffhanger guys!! Guess who opened the door???


Draco. Draco opened the door.

"Draco!?" "Potter!?" Mine and His  outrageous screams echoed in the muggle neighborhood.

"Draco, how many time have I told you to NOT open the door without knowing who it is first." He addressed Draco first.

"Miss Exostrefis, I didn't expect you till Christmas." He addressed me next.

"Professor, are you sure?" I asked him about calling me by my real name and if Draco can be trusted.

"He's my godson. As I'm sure you know. And I have trained him to be a spy from a very young age. He is as good as I at occlumency. Ill leave it to Draco and to you if you want to share your secrets. I'll be un the kitchen asking dinner for you brats. Try not to kill each other or destroy the house."

How did this happen!?

Im left in the tiny hall with Draco Malfoy.

Ok. Here goes nothing.

"Im not Harry potter. Im Ruby Exostrefis. A soul who has inhabited Harry's body. And I know stuff about people. And my main motive was to stop the war. And save as many lives as I can. The only reason I'm trusting you is because Severus does." I said, opening my mind to him so that he can see that I'm not lying.

"Ok. I don't know what to say to you Exostrefis. But for now we can be allies. But not in hogwarts or where my parents are present. I have a reputation. Only because Severus trusts you."

We hand-shook (idk if that a word But I wrote it and now it is)

Severus stood in the corner and looked like a parent who just got his kids to hug after a fight. .

And that's when I smelt food!!

Damn. He can cook.
'He's a potions master of course he can cook. But Ruby us trusting Draco a good decision?' Harry asks.

The real Harry who has been forgotten most of the time but still exists.

(Intense glare. How could you!?)

The length of my chapters are increasing. Yay. Progress.

Don't forget to add your judgemental inputs. Kidding. I like your inputs. Unless they are not very mean or rude.

But seriously, tell me if there are mistakes or if something doesn't add up or about any scene that you would like to read about.

Until next Friday readers! Bu-byee....

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