35: Quidditch Worldcup

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The rest of my holidays was exciting. We went to the quidditch world cup.

Sirius took me amd I asked him if we could bring Draco along.

Sirius was a little against it, but I convinced him otherwise.

Draco came along too. Since, Narcissa and Sirius are cousins she didn't hesitate a lot. She did have her doubts, but in the end I managed to convince her too.

So, Harry, draco, Sirius and I were watching the match and placing our bets.

They asked me as soon as we went into the stadium.

''Hey Ruby, since ,you know, youre a tine traveler or dimension traveler, do you know who's gonna win?? We can place some Bets'' Sirius asked me.

I'm not particularly fond of betting. So I kept telling him that the timeline has changed and that anyone can win the match here.

He wouldn't take no for an answer.

''Sirius, why do you want to place bets? You have enough money I'm sure you don't need more. And what if I'm wrong? I don't want you to loose because of me.'' I tried to reason.

''it's okay Ruby. As you said, I'm rich. Im fine with loosing a little money. Also, it's fun to place bets.'' He says.

In the end I tell him the end-results.

''Krums going to catch the snitch but the other teem is going to win. ''

After I said that, they went to place their bets.

As we were walking in, we met the Weasleys.

''Harry mate, how are you?'' Ron asked.

''Im great mate. How are you?'' Harry asked.

They chatted for a little while and then Hermione noticed me.

''Who is she harry?'' She asked.

I decided to introduce myself.

''Hello, I'm Ruby. My grandparents are good friends with Sirius and we reconnected after he was released.''

The other 3 took a relieved breath at the lie I told.

Clearly, those incompetent fools did not know how to react.

''Yeah. Ruby this is Hermione, Ron, they are in Harry's year. Soon to be, your year.....'' Sirius gave me a detailed explanation of all the Weasleys as though i didn't know them at all.

Ron had a little bit of a spat with draco, the same 'Who's ego is bigger' argument. And obviously, Draco started it.

We calmed them down and went to take our seats.

Winky's not here.so, did I prevent the triwizard tournament from happening? Aww. I was looking forward to that!

But I really hope it happens.

I wonder who's going to be our DADA teacher?

Anyways, the match went on like last time. Sirius won a good amount of cash and he gave me ¾ of it.

''It's not like I need the money ruby. It's just fun to place bets'' He says and shrugs.

And that was the most memorable summer vacation of my life.

Next up we will be going to hogwarts.

Any guesses on who will be the DADA teacher??

Sorry it took so long. I was on vacation too.

My chapters will probably increase in length from now on.

That's all I have to say.

Until next time folks!

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