40: Epilogue

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24 years later

Today is the day our children will be going to hogwarts. It's been 20 years since we graduated. We had normal school years after 3rd year. Harry, Draco and I became the golden trio. Slytherins and Gryffindors were still not on very friendly terms, but since their golden boy was associating with me and drakie-poo they weren't against it.

My parents are a happily married couple teaching at hogwarts. Dumbledore sadly died 5 years ago, his portrait is in the headmistress's room. Minerva is now headmistress of hogwarts. And severus is deputy.

My grandparents are quite old now, but they are still independent and strong. Sliza helps around the house sometimes, with what he can do. You'd be surprised at how much a snake can help.

Hermione was head girl and Draco was head boy during our school years.

Now, Hermione works as the head of the misuse of muggle artifacts department and Ron works as an auror and they are happily married. They have 2 children, Rose and Hugo. Harry named rose and Ron named Hugo. Rose is the first born and hugo was born a year later.

Arthur is a happily retired grandfather.

Bill met fleur on his trip to France and it was as if they were meant to be. He got married in our 6th year. They have a sweet daughter, Victoire, I was the one who named her. She was born on 2nd of may 1998 just like last time. Some things never change.

Charlie still owes the drangobs more than humans, and he is still single and not at all willing to settle down with a family.

Percy, who now works in the ministry of magic, and Penelope married each other in out 7th year. They couldn't have children but they often babysit the twins kids.

Speaking of, we told the twins in our 5th year about everything. Time travel, me being in Harry, all of it. They took it quite well.

The twins married another set of twins 3 years after we graduated and gave birth to triplets each! They opened their own shop, 'Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes' which gained a lot of popularity and profit.

Harry and I were prefects.

Harry got married to Ginny. They seemed to have sparked when Ginny became the captain of the quidditch team. Harry would often go out for 'practice'. He had 2 children. A girl and a boy, Romulas James Potter after Remus, and Scarlet Lily Potter, after me.

Sirius got married to a nice muggleborn witch when we were in our 7th year a little after percy. He had a single child who is the same age as Scarlet, by the name of Remus James Black. 

He still missed Remus and every full moon he sits outside and looks at the moon. No natter what the weather is like, he always sits outside and stares at the moon.

Who else do we have left? Oh yeah!

''DRACO! Honey we are getting late!'' I yell at my husband. You heard/read me right. He proposed to me a year after sirius's wedding. And we have been happily married ever since. He works as an unspeakable and guess what? So do I! I really wanted to know where I came from and all the mystery that surrounds it.

We have 1 child and she is named

Harriet Ela Malfoy.

And today is her first day at hogwarts.

And with this double update, 'Im Harry Potter!?' It is officially over.

What was your favorite part of the story?
For me, writing the epilogue was the best.

Also, did I miss someone? If so, please comment and I will fix it up right away.

To thoes of you who have made it till the end of my story, thank you- here's a 🍫🐸chocolate froggie for you.

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