10: Full moon and Quidditch

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The days after that passed without any incident.

I looked up animagi in the library, and I decided I wanted to be one.

It required a potion and a spell the needed to be brewed and performed by the person who wants to be an animagus.

I used the room of Requirement and had the potion ready in a week. It was really hard. But I managed it.

It turns out I have 2 animagus forms because of my 2 souls.

Firstly, my primary consciousness is an owl. For Ruby me.

Secondly, Im a Stag for Harry me.

I was ready with my animagus form just in time for the full moon.

Today evening, I'm going to go with snuffles and moony to the womping willow.

It was midnight when I sneaked out with the invisibility cloak and I reached the womping willow soon.

I turned into my stag form and went in. Remus was on wolfsbane so I need not worry about being torn into shreads. 

"Pup is that you?" Sirius asked in dog form. I'm suprised I could understand him.

"Yes padfoot. I'm an animagus. I became one this year for moony."

"Thank you Harry. Achieving such a great feat at 13 is not a joke. I'm really proud of you." Moony says.

We spend the rest of the night playing amd running around.

The next day was a little exhausting, but I've gone days without sleep. I can manage.

Moony didn't come for defense. Severus did.

We have a mutual agreement. Severus and I. We ignore each other in class and plot on every Wednesday and Sunday evenings in his office, how to save the world and all that.

He was still he'll bent on exposing Remus.

We had our first match. Coming up soon. Yay quidditch.

I practiced flying in the room of Requirement a few times and I got a hang of it.

The match was to be held tomorrow.  And we were practicing hard. I learnt the spell the could give me clear vision as I knew it was going to rain.


The match was scheduled to begin in 15 mins. And I was ready. To catch the snitch and to shoo away dementors.

We were on our brooms and the match stated. Just like last time the dementors entered the stadium.

But they were loads of them and I wasn't quick enough. Guess what happened? I heard screams, green light. I felt really hot and i lost consciousness.

You know what that means.

I fell down, down, down, and my poor nimbus crashed into the womping willow. Oh, i also broke a few bones.

I woke up in the hospital wing.

"Are you ok harry? You gave us quite a scare."

"Yeah mate. We were worried."

Hermione and Ron say to me.

The rest of the team was staring at me like I'm a zoo animal. Great.

"Yeah I'm OK. Mind giving me some space guys?"

After a seconds gap I asked them, "What happened to my broom? And the match?"

"Diggory caught the snitch. He didn't realize that you were on your way to death. He asked for a re-match but the referee said it was a clear win. So, we lost." One of the The twins tell me.

"What about my broom?"

"Im so sorry mate, but it um, flew into the womping willow. It didn't make it. Its broken beyond repair" Ron says.

I nod my head as drowsiness washes over me.

I was out like a light.

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