13: Unsolved Mysteries

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I went back to the dorm room under my invisibility cloak. And armed with the marauders map I won't be caught.

'Why do you like Snape?' Harry asked.

Im so glad he wasn't interrupting my conversations anymore. I don't want to roll my eyes while talking to people because of his, and I quote, 'Exceptionly Extraordinary Humor' which is crap.

' I hope your head doesn't feel very heavy. You know, with me being so full of knowledge.'

Bad humor. I tell you.

We are getting sidetracked again.

'Severus has earned My respect. You know, you and him have a lot more in common than you think.'

I could feel him shudder in my head. 'Me and the slimy snake have nothing in common.'

I laughed. 'You have no idea Harry. It's not my place to tell you but, his upbringing was like yours, but worse. Hogwarts was your salvation. But he was bullied here too. But none other than your dad.

Lily was the only good thing in his life and he ruined that by accident. Thats why he protects you. But also hates you.'

Harry kept quite after that.

We reached the dormitory soon.

"Harry where have you been?" Hermione asked as soon as I entered.

"Oh. I was exploring the Castle" I replied

"Okay mate. We got back chocolates!! You missed so much. It was wonderful......" Ron keeps talking about hogsmead but I just ignore most of it.

I was thinking about the Christmas holidays.

To do list for the yule.
1. Gift Pettigrew to severus.
2. Get the resurrection stone.
3. Get basilisk venom from the chamber of secrets.
4. Plan who I'm going to reveal the rat to Remus and Sirius.
5. Expose Dumbledore
6. Make allies with the goblins

Wow I have a lot to do.

"Harry will you be coming to the burrow for Christmas this year?"

Home? Didn't Mrs Weasley let Ron stay to protect me from 'Sirius Black' in the books? Was it changing? What went wrong? I'll have to act fast.

"Harry? Harry? You zoned out mate." Ron looked concerned

"I'm fine Ron just thinking. No. I want to go back to the Dursleys this year."


"Well they are my last living family. And I want to give them another chance" I say lamely.

'They will never belive this' The real Harry says in my head.

"Okay. Harry. If you need us we will be at the burrow. Stay safe."

'Strange. What happened? The Ron and Hermione I knew would never agree thus easily'

'People change Harry. And they have become quite close. Maybe they want to spend time with each other?'

'Hmm' Harry hums.

It's settled then. Let's show the dursleys who's incharge.

Not that I hate them.

Okay, maybe I do. A little bit.

But come on. They starved a kid.

We went to sleep soon.

Just before I sleep ....

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" I whispered

The map showed me as-


What the hell is this? Then I remembered what buckbeak said.
Am I really not who I think I am?

I probably will update again next Friday. I have my exams, sorry.

But please comment on what you would like to read about.

I write on-spot. There is not pre-planning for the story. So mistakes are bound to happen. So please point them out for me.

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