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I was walking towards the burrow, and Hermione saw me. She rushed towards me and gave me a big hug.

"Harry it's so good to see you!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Hello mate. Glad you could make it." Ron says, following Hermione out to see what the sound was.

"Harry are your relatives treating you ok? What made you come here? Not that I'm not glad you're here, are you hurt?" Hermione kept talking in a quick manner as though she was scared the the dursleys had hurt me.

'My friends care for me' head Harry says with a smile.

How do I know he's smiling, you ask?

It's a feeling I get. I just know how Harry's feeling because he is in my head.

Freaky but it is what it is. (Shrugs)

I went inside as I was chatting with Ron and mione. Some catching up was in order. We did talk but not as often as in the books.

"Oh Harry dear. It's so good to see you. Come, come inside. Get some food! You must be hungry." Mrs Weasley said in her ever cheerful voice.

I say Mr. Weasley on my may to the kitchen. We nodded in acknowledgement to each other.

The food was really good!

But Ginny making awe struck puppy faces was disgusting. She is Ron's sister!

Dude, what happened to bro code!?

After the meal was complete I went upstairs with the twins while Ron and Hermione uuere

(see what I did there? W=uu :p)

Assigned chores outside the house.

We were on bedroom cleaning duty.

The twins were very excited. I guess this is when they set up pranks in the bedrooms of their siblings.

We set up a few pranks.
Color changing charms, multiplying charms, shrinking spells. Ect.

The regular harmless pranks.

"Say weasel-dum and Weasle-dee, what's going on between Ron and mione? They seem extra cosy" I asked.

"Harrykins! Don't tell me you don't know!" They basically screamed at me.

"Um. I dont'' I tell them and their face morphs into shock.

''We thought it was obvious.''

''Even a blind man could see it''

How could you not see it Harrykins!?''

''Get to the point guys, you've got me curious now'' i say impatiently.

''Our Ronnikins is a big boy now.''

''He asked Hermione to be his girlfriend 2 days ago''

''We knew he was crushing on her since last year,''

'' but he finally pulled up the courage to ask her''

''And she said yes!'' They said this together. With all the additional fittings and hand actions.

''Oh. I need to use the washroom. Give me a minute'' I say with as less emotion as i can.

I rush to their washroom. Lock the door. And freak out.

It is a good thing that they are together now.

In the movies it seemed nice enough.

But Ron.

I tried to convince myself that it was a stupid crush. But, I knew it was more.

I liked him.

'Okay, Ruby. Time to calm down.' I keep saying to myself. And head Harry conforts me too.

'It's okay Ruby. You'll get someone better.'' The usual comforting shit.

It made me feel slightly better.

I came out after washing my face.

I didn't look like someone who cried for a guy. 

I went to find Mrs. Weasley.

"Harry dear, dinner is just about to get ready, come, sit down. Let's eat.'' She says In her usual motherly voice.

''Mrs. Weasley, I'm afraid I can't stay. The Lovegood's have been expecting me for dinner. I'll have to leave. Thank you for your hospitality Mrs. Weasley'' I thanked her in a polite tone.

''Oh. Okay dear. Remember this is your home too. You can come here any time you want.'' Mrs. Weasley tells me.

''Thank you Mrs. Weasley. I will remember that. Can you tell everyone that I left?and tell them that I am sorry i couldn't tell them myself but I am already late. I dont want to seem impolite.''

She nods understandingly.

With that I take my leave.

It's not like I don't like them. But I just need some time to adjust to the kindness of the Weasleys.

I just home Luna's home.

A/N : I know its been long. Sorry to the 2-3 people still waiting. I'll try harder.

I have been promoted to the next class. Its hard to adjust after spending 3 years with the same people.

But thank you for reading. It means a lot.

Do you have any suggestions on how this story should go?

How do you think Luna will react to Harry just turning up at her doorstep?

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