26: Im alive

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Ruby's POV:

I woke up!

I'm alive!

But where am I?

White walls, white curtains, white bed, Shit im in heaven! Wow I actually made it there!

''Oh hello sweetie, I'm your nurse Kim. How are you feeling?''

Nurse? Am I not dead yet!?

''Sweetheart?'' She asks again.

Oh, voice, need to use my voice.

''I'm alive, Aren't I?'' I reply with my usual sarcasm. My voice!

It's mine. As in mine mine. Not Harry mine.

What the heck happened!?

Okay. Focus. Put the pieces together.

White everything= hospital.

That poster??



I'm in my own body! The body that Harry and I visited when I was enjoying my life!

That means I'm not dead.

But Remus is. And it is my fault. I told Harry to keep a goodbye letter at his desk for him to find in the morning. His

I thought I did it WITHOUT casualties.

What happened after that? Did Severus get out alive?

Wait! I'm here! As in here here. Here in the Harry Potter universe. That means I can still meddle in their affairs!! Woohoo!

So, what happened to harry?

Is Harry live?

I hope he is!

He deserves to live.

''Sweetie, I know this can be overwhelming, but can you try to focus and tell me is anything hurts or its you are uncomfortable anywhere?'' Nurse Kim asks me.

''Im good nurse Kim. Thank you'' I reply kindly.

''Do you want your grandparents inside dear?'' She asks.

They are alive too!

I nod my head in a yes motion and try to hold back a sob.

''Oh Ruby! How are you? We've missed you so much!!'' They give me a hug. I hug them back with double the force.

''Oh! I've missed you too!'' They have no idea how much.

''Now we will make the most of our tine dear!'' I'm sure we will.


Harry's POV :

I wake up. I actually wake up!

Ok. Focus!

Voldys crying.


''Avada Kadavra'' I fire with all the hate I had.

A green light jets out. It works. He's dead. Finally.

Remus is dead.

''Remus!!! NO please don't leave me!'' I yell and run to his body.

Pulse. Check for a pulse!

I press my fingers against his neck. Nothing.

He's dead. Ruby he's dead.

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