20: Muggle London

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The next morning at the Lovegoods' the first thing I did was to send a letter to a certain reporter.

It's always good to have a reporter in your side.

And plus, I still had 2 days of holidays before I'll have to deal with Dumbledore.

Dear miss Skeeter,

I happen to have a hot and fresh news that No-one but the auror department knows of. It would be beneficial to both you and I if we could meet up at the  leaky cauldron and discuss this matter tomorrow at noon.

Fun fact, do you know that an illegal animagus gets 7 years in Azkaban?

I left the letter unsigned.

Time to write the next letter.

Dear moony,

I think it's time to hand over the rat. Find John Dawlish in the auror department and tell him the news that the animagus is Pettigrew and that sirius is innocent. Dont let anyone else know. Then give the rat to Amilia bones and tell her the whole truth. And ask her to swear a privacy oath and swear it yourself too.  Do it TODAY. And send me a letter as soon as you are done.

Did you know? If internal auror matter is leaked to the press, the auror accused of leaking it is fired?


'This is so clever. But who is John dawlish? And why him?' Harry asks in my head.

'John dawlish is, sorry was, the reason many muggleborns were punished in the 2nd Wizarding war. He was a support of the belief that muggleborns stole magic from purebloods.'

'That's nonsense!' Harry exclaims.

'Yeah. I know right! That's why I want him out of the picture'

(Most of y'all don't remember dawlish, do you? And you call yourself potterheads ! Shame.)

We had a day to kill, and I thought I'll treat myself with muggle London.

I said my goodbyes to Luna and xeno. London, here I come.

I spent the day browsing through different malls and shops and so many things.

I could only shop for boys clothes. But it was still very fun.

I eyed so many dresses!! Poor Harry. He was so embarrassed in my brain.

But hey, YOLO! I even browsed through some dresses.

Maybe one day, If I get back I can save enough to get any 1 dress.

The best part of the cloth shopping was Harry's commentary.

'That one!? Seriously!?'

'NO! Put that down'

'Ruby stop trying on women's underwear. It's creeping both me and the people around us'

'I have 3 tee shirts and 2 jeans. That is more than enough muggle clothing for a man!'

'Ruby I do NOT need a new wardrobe'

'You have horrible taste! Red t-shirt and bright green jeans!? What is it!? Christmas?'

'Put down the pumpkin costume. Halloween is over!!!'

'No. You, I, we cannot get a tree costume.'

It was so fun.

And don't worry. Im not a gold digger. I actually did ask Harry his permission before buying anything and asked for hus approval for spending every single penny. And he didn't mind at all.

He said 'it's good to have money but it will be better to have people to spend it on. Go ahead Ruby. Get whatever you like. No restrictions. Consider this repayment for making my life better.'

He is such a sweet and kind kid.


We went to a caffe for an evening snack.

It was one of my favorites. I used to come here a lot. Like. A LOT.

''HI Jane!'' I yell out to her as soon as I enter in. When I heard Harry's voice leave my mouth I realized that Jane doesn't know me. Shit.

She looked suprised.

''Um. Your ID batch had the name 'Jane' written on it. So, I assumed it's your name'' I say back in my awkward voice.

''You are right sugar'' the dark skinned beauty tells me after recovering from her initial shock.

''What would you like to have honey?'' She asks.

I absently replied with my usual

''An iced lemon tea with 2 spoons of sugar and 3 ice cubes, can you add extra mint leaves please?'' I order. Not even looking at the menu.

All of a sudden, her face morphs into complete sadness and grief.

''What is the matter ma'am? You seem very sad.''

''Oh its nothing hun. I just remembered one of my friend. She used to order the same dirnk every day. May god bless her soul''  She says In a sad tone.

I nod my head in sympathy before realizing that she is talking about me. Oh.

Out of curiosity I ask ''what happened to her?'' I started fearing the worst. Was I dead here?

''Her grandparents noticed a loud sound in her house one day and she was found lying there, induced in a coma. Her body's in the hospital. The poor old grandparents still have hope that one day she will rise.''

'Grandparents!? Weren't they dead!? Okay. Wow.'

And now that I think of it, Jane looks really young too. My Jane was 35. With one or 2 grey hairs. This woman looked to be around 22.

I don't know if it's good or bad. But I think my 12 year old self exists here. Okay. Not creepy at all.

As I was leaving the place after giving out a generous tip. Knowing that they don't get paid enough for their work. I heard the news.
''Sirius Black is no longer a threat.''  The muggle news said. ''The criminal responsible for the death of 12 people has been restrained and is now a prisoner.''

Yay. From 900 to 1k to 1.5 k. To 2k. Thank you so much guys. It is truly an amazing feeling to know that people are actually interested in your work.

How's this chapter??do you think it was Pettigrew that was captured or is Sirius imprisoned again?

What do you think will happen to 12 y/o Ruby?

Again. Thank you guys!!!

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