22: the beginning to the end

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I did remember that I have a train to catch to get to hogwarts today.

It wasn't that chaotic. I just overslept for 3 hours and woke up 20 mins before the train was scheduled to leave. Also, I packed my bag last evening so that's not a worry.

We hurried to the station.

Harry was trying to reason out with me 'you know that if you miss the train you can always apparate with Remus right?'

That was true. But I want the experience!

We reached on time. And running through a wall was wierd as usual. But I got on the train on time.

I went in search of an empty cabin to sit in, but I didn't find one.
'This is the last compartment, I'd it's not empty it's gonna be very awkward to sit with someone you barely know.

The compartment had Luna in it. Nice.

''Hello Luna. How was the rest of your holidays?'' I asked her after settling down.

''It was wonderful Ruby. Did you find the nasty bug?''

'How did she...?' Harry tried to ask.

'She just knows, you do not question her.'

''I did Luna.''

The door burst open and then it just closed. Strange.

''Hello'' Luna Said out if the blue.

Draco appeared out of thin air.

''How did you...!?!?'' Draco sputtered.

''Oh there were a lot if humdiggers on your head'' Luna replied innocently.

''Draco, won't the others see you here? won't that create a lot of troubles?'' I asked.

He nervously glanced at Luna.
''It's okay. She knows.'' I tell him.

''Knows what?'' Luna asks in her angelic voice.

Draco ignored her.

''Severus taught me a spell for it. It's annoying to sit with the hypocritic Slytherins.''

''Okay that's good.'' I tell him.

We spend the rest of the trip bonding with each other. It was nice.

Mostly it was Draco and I.

The trip was quicker than I thought.

We were at hogwarts now. Yay. Mission soulkill begins!

I will inform sirius about the hocruxs in this family vault and gather all of them tomorrow, it's a Sunday so it won't be a problem

Then, I'll take all the hocruxs and go to little harrington tomorrow evening, along with Severus of course. Draco would be nice company, but if we mess up, we need someone on the outside who can help the cause. I will meet sliza for the last tine and give my goodbyes to him too. He has been a loyal friend. I thought I'll have more time and that he'll be back. But this is how it is.

Now that Severus will be revealing himself as a spy for the light, we need a new spy who can help incase Severus dies. I'm dying for sure. I need to get rid of the hocruxs. All of them. One of which is in Harry.

Harry knows about it. And he dictated letters to be given to everyone after he dies. I don't know what will happen to me. He wrote to Draco, and Severus, and Ron, and Hermione, even to dudley.

I will get the basilisk venom tonight.

We were prepared for our death. Harry and I.

I'm not religious at all, but I found myself praying to The Great Above to let Harry live. He deserves it. He deserves it much more than I do.

We finished our dinner and went back to Gryffindor tower.

I gave both Hermione and ron a tight hug. Who knows what will happen in the next 2 days?

Yhey went to bed, and I went to get the basilisk venom. My invisibility cloak was around me.

I reached myrtle's bathroom and hissed at the tap.

It opened.

'Stairs' I hissed.

And they appeared

'Gosh, this place stinks of dead snake.' Harry comments.

'Yeah, because you killed one here last year!' I tell him. He shuts up after that.

I harvest the venom. I once harvested snake poison for scientific purposes, so I do know how to do it.

Luckily, it wasn't very dried up.

I had just enough to kill all of the hocruxs.

I have to die by voldy's hands. Hmm.. that can be arranged.

I went to Remus's chambers next.

''Remus, are you in here? Do you know where sirius is?'' I ask as I entered the thorugh the door.

There was wierd sounds coming from the bedroom part. I decide to go in.

Dumb move.

Seriously, I shouldn't have.

I left the room instantly. But I guess they saw me.

The got dressed and came out. Hair dishelved and lip swollen.

I decided to ignore that.

''Sirius do you have access to Bella's vaults?'' I asked him in a ' I mean business' tone.

He looked back at me quizzically.

''Bellatrix's vault? And also we need to get to no 12 grimmauld place.'' I add.

''As the head of the black family, I do have access to her vault, especially because she is in Azkaban. And I do own grimmauld place Harry.'' He replies.

''Sirius, Bella's vault and kreacher have 2 hocruxs.'' I tell them.

''Oh.Okay....Wow. Ok.'' He doesn't seem very suprised.

''Um?'' He was acting wierd.

''It makes so much sense now. Trix always kept telling everyone of how her 'lord trusts her with his life' wow. It all makes sense. Let's do this pup. Let's end him''

''Thank you sirius. It means a lot to me.'' I sincerely mean it.

''Oh, and I ship you both!''

Both of the men blushed. And I left. Not wanting to get them uncomfortable.

I didnt tell them that I'd die. I don't want them to be heartbroken. Severus is the only one that knows. I didn't yell Draco either.

2 more days and it will all be over.

How's the chapter guys??? It is kinda sad. But who knows what happens? (Except me of course)🤪.
Please remind me of any loose ends that I might have missed.

The title is so common ik. But hey, it matches the situation.

Honestly, I don't know what else to write in an author's note, so bu-bye humans.

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