25: The Last Howl

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That evening after dinner i went to the Gryffindor dorms to get All the hocruxs that were safly hidden in my trunk along with my vail of basilisk venom

I take the moleskin pouch and my invisibility cloak and head towards Remus's quaters. It's a full moon so he wont be there. Although he takes the wolfsbane he still likes to be in the shreiking shack just to be safe. And padfoot was there too. After leaving my note on his desk, which i know he will get only after im dead, i go to the dungeon.

''Are you sure Ruby?'' Severus pasks me one last time.

''Let's end it Severus. This is the end. Let's finish this once and for all.'' I say with full confidence

He just nods his head once and we share the invisibility cloak to get out of the castle. We apparate away to little harrington at 9 sharp.

As soon as we reach I went to the little shack that Sliza said he would be at. He never came back.

'I guess he was just fed up with you' Harry tries to lighten the mood.

'Shut up'

We reach the shack and to our suprise, yes Severus is here too, we see sliza and his mate and a lot more new snakes!

''Wow sliza, been busy I see?'' I say amused.

Sliza kinda blushes. As much as a snake can anyway.

''Yess masster. These are my kids.'' He says.

'Aww baby snakes ! So adorable' Harry says.

'Concentrate. We have a Mission to accomplish.'

'Oppsie sorry. But you can't deny. They are ADORABLE!!!!' He squeals.

''Sliza, I thought the incubation period for snakes is around 60 day?'' I knew stuff. Can't blame me. I was a full tine nerd.

''Yess. But we are magical creatures and for uss it iss 15-20 days'' He replies in a professor voice.

''I was taking care of my queen and our children. I will come if you require assistance, but i am spending time with my snaklings for now'' Sliza said.

There were about 30 mini snakes.
Like Harry said, cute.

'Who's turn is it to focus now?' Harry. Oh that annoying boy!.

''Ruby, might I suggest we leave. I understand that this is emotional but we do have a war to end.'' Severus says.

''Yes you are right severus. Let's go'' I say with a smile on my face.

It's not like I'm going to die in the next 3 hours.

Okay maybe it is.


As planned, Severus tied me up and went to get voldy.

I knew how to get out of these ropes because of the muggle self defense videos I used to watch.

The cauldron was set. And then Lucius was invited too. That was my idea. I didn't want severus to cut of his hand as an offering. Lucius will have to do that. And surprisingly he agreed.

Lucius was looking after me while severus prepared the potion to resurrect voldy.

It all happened just like it did in the movies.

Lucius put his hand in, voldy wore his clothes, and he came to touch me. He was disgusting!

But before he could summon the other death eaters somethung happened.

I removed the ropes and Avada Kadavra'd Lucius! I did it.

I didn't think i had it in me. But I managed.

The as Voldemort was about to Avara kadavra me, Remus apparated right in front of me!

'Shit this isn't how it's supposed to happen!' I curse un my head

'REMUS IS DEAD!!!!! NO!' Harry sobs full of emotion my my head.

'Not the time for emotions Harry. we can mourn later!' I snap at him.

That's the last thing I was able to say before voldy shot another AK at me.



Oh shit. Lupin. Why you idiot! Stupid Gryffindor.

These were my thoughts as I took out the vial of basilisk venom and as soon as nagini saw me i knew I had to do somethung about her.

So what did I do?

''Avada Kadavra'' I say in almost a whisper.

But HE heard it.

He turned around to see what happened and i took that moment to start destroying his hocruxs one by one.

He screamed in agony as soon as I started destroying them. I never gave him enough time to recover and attack me. It was working.

Lucius is dead. Nagini is dead. And HE will be dead too.

I knew her plan would work.

But I didn't want her to die.

Nothing can be done. I'm going to kill HIM and avenge her.

I go on killing each piece and HE screams. Louder and louder by the second.

Just as I killed the last hocrux I had my wand ready to cast the killing curse, but something else happened!

HE recovered and...


''AVADA KADAVRA'' A voice sent a fast killing curse.

That voice seems familiar.

And then I felt sudden pain. After that- Blackness.

how was that!?!?!?!

Who do you think it is?

Rip Remus. But he needed to die. I have stuff planned out.

You think I'm going to end it this soon!? No.

Picture Abhi baki hai mere dost

(English version- The show must go on!)

I don't think i did Severus's POV properly. Feel free to give me tips to improve his POV.
Warning- dont feel too bad if I don't take your suggestion into consideration.

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