29: Diagon Alley

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The next morning we woke up and got ready to go to diagon alley.

Grammy and poppa wore a glamor mask.

I went as I was because no one from the Wizarding world knows my real face.

And for the safety reasons, my name continued to be Ruby Exostrefis. My grandmother's maiden name.

We went to Ollivander's first.

''Welcome ms. Exostrefis? Is that what you call yourself?''

''Yes.'' I said boldly.

''Come here. Let's get you measured.'' He called me forth.

After the measurements and after trying a few wands, he whispered in my ear, ''you already had a wand, and that is why it will be hard to find another one. But lets try.''

Okay. He knows somehow.

After a long search, I finally got one that works for me.

After that, we went to Flourish and Blotts to get 4 years worth of books! 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th! I think my confused expression asked the question that my mouth could not utter.

''Honey, we will be learning from the basics and by the end of the holidays, an instructor will come to test your skills and put you in the right grade. It is very rare for hogwarts to have a student join in after 1st year, but I has happened before, and this is the procedure. I an sure that with your skills you will be somewhere between 3rd and 4th grade. And we will personally train you to be a 4th grader.'' My grandmother says.

Yay. Atleast I'll have challenges this year. I thought i was going to be stuck doing 2nd year spells!

Next, I told grammy that I wanted a pet, she agreed and we went to The Magical Menagerie to get me a pet. I will miss Sliza.

''Hello dear! How can I help you?'' The kind shopkeeper asked me.

''I would like to browse for a while please.'' I tell her politly. My grandparents were outside. I told them that I wanted to find a pet myself. And they let me! Im so glad that they let me do what I want.

I went around the shop in hopes of finding someone. But I wasn't expecting to see him here !


''SLIZA! what got you here!? I thought you'd return to hogwarts! Did they capture you!? What about your children? And your queen?'' I started blabbering.

''Slow down Ruby, I wasn't captured. I came here myself. I just didn't feel like staying at hogwarts after you left. My children are old enough to live on their own. And my queen wanted some space. Thats why I came back here. Its not that bad. I get food and there are many young snaklings here.'' Sliza tells

''Oh. Thank merlin!'' I thought for a minute. ''Say, sliza. Do you want to come with me?'' I asked him.

''Ssss okay. I wouldnt mind.'' Sliza replied.

Yay! I got my pet back!

''Excuse me ma'am? I would like this snake please'' I told the lady and she looked at me skeptically.

''Sweetie would you like to take another one? This one has a nasty habit of running away from its owners and returning here. Also, a snake? Are you sure you can take care of it?'' She asks me in a worried tone.

She tried to take sliza away from me. But sliza started to get aggressive and was hissing at her.

''Im going to do anything I please! Who are you to take me away from her !? Huh? I didnt run away from potter! He was okay with me leaving!'' Sliza was hissing.

''No. Stop hissing. Its okay.'' I tell him I English so as to not make the shopkeeper scared.

Sliza listened.

And the lady was just as suprised as me.

''You seem to be able to tame it! Good job child. No many can do this. Okay. I will let you take it.'' She tells me and we head towards the cashier.

My grandparents look proudly at me. ''A snake? Good choice sweetie my poppa tells me.

I give him a proud grin.

''How much for this one ma'am? My grandfather asks.

''20 galleons'' she says.

''Is it still 20 galleons!? I'm definitely worth more!!'' Sliza hisses.

I control my laughter.

We went to Florence ice cream parlor next.

I asked my grandparents about their pet during their time at hogwarts.

My grammy said that she had an owl but it died during the 1st wizarding war.

''I had a friend who could turn into a tabby cat. She was an animagus. Do you know what an animagus is sweetie?'' My grandfather told me.


''Yes poppa. Its a wizard or witch who can turn into an animal at will'' I tell him. He gives me a proud smile.

''Yes. That is correct. And I also had a snake. His name was Zian. He had a green patch under his mouth. It was an old snake. I told him to leave during the wizarding War. I didn't want him to get hurt while protecting me. He saved my life quite a few time, but once, he came really close to death because of me. That's when I decided to let him go. Oh, did i forget to mention that we were aurors?''

At that sliza looked up.

''Will!? But you dont look my will'' sliza spoke up.

''Zian!? Is that you?'' My grandfather asked.

''You have a glamor on, don't you willy boy?'' Sliza asked.

They caught up while I listened to their story and my grandmother was enjoying her ice cream because she couldn't understand a word that we were saying. It was kinda funny seeing her like that.

But ice creams important than going down the memory lane. Her words.

We then went to get my uniform. It was normal. Nothing extraordinary happened.

And then we went home.

For the next 12 weeks, I was training hard, and my grandparents were very pround of the progess I was making.

Soon the day of the examination arrived.

And at our door arrived the examinor. Who was...

Cliffhanger!! Who's it going to be? I will try to get the next chapter completed as soon as i can so as to not keep you waiting for too long.

So, until next time folks! Bu-bye.

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