12 : First Name Basis

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I was wrong. He was so drunk.

"Damn I forgot I had to teach you." He mutters and limps to the potions closet. Where he keeps his personal stash of potions.

After fluently cursing in 7 different languages he says, "The sober up potion is over. You'll have to deal with drunk me Mr. Potter. I'll try not to kill you." He says with a straight face.

I smile a little " you can call my miss Exostrefis or Ruby when we are in private professor"

He smiles a little too, shocking me. "Then you must call me Severus too"

Ok. Now I'm dumbstruck.

But I get my senses back and reply in a normal tone. "Sure Severus. How about I brew you the sober up potion and then we can duel?"

Severus nods his head. "The procedure is in this book. It's a sixth year potion. Will you be able to do it Ruby?" The use of my given name shocks me again. But he is drunk. So I dont think he even means to say it.

I think he notices the shock on my face.
"Well, your last name is quite a mouthful" he says shrugging.

"Im just really glad we are on first name basis Severus"

I pick up the half blood prince's book and start to make the  concussion.

It wasn't that hard. Also I had Severus's notes to help me out.

"You know, you were my favorite character in the whole series. I admired you a lot" I say in a low voice. He heard me.

"Why me? I have made so many mistakes. I don't think I'm sane anymore" he say I just more than a whisper. I don't think I wad meant to hear that but I did.

"Everyone makes mistakes Severus. You owned up to yours. You tried your best to redeem yourself. And you have done amazing things. You are one of the bravest people I know" I say repeating the last line of Harry from the books.

"I never thought I will see the day that a potter spawn will every say something good about me" he says with a smirk.

"Potter must be rolling in his grave" he says with a single laugh.

"I'm not Harry. Severus. I'm just in his body. I'm neither James' carboncopy nor am I lily's."

I saw putting in the last ingredient to the potion.

You thought I was going to let the potion burn while talking to him? No. That would be a waste of ingredients.

He stayed silent till the potion was over.

"It's ready Severus." I call out to him as soon as I finished.

"Let's pray that it doesn't kill me. In case it does, my will is in this desk" he says pointing to a desk in the corner of the room. "And the bezoars are in this" he says pointing in the opposite direction.

"Okay sir." I nod my head cheekyly.

"This looks perfect. Let's see what happens." He says before taling the required amount and downing it.

"Sir? Are you ok? Do I need to get you a bezoar?"

"I'm alive, and... Not drunk anymore, so it's not required I conclude" he says and i ca. See that occlumency shields take their place. "Let us begin now, shall we?"

I nod my head as ge headed to a room through portraits. "What are you waiting for. Follow me." He says with a stern voice.

"Yes sir." I followed him.

Wow. Thus place was a maze. Soo confusing and so many tunnels.

"I expect you to be alert miss Exostrefis. We do not want you getting lost in the Slytherin dorm area." He says in a normal voice.

Back to last names are we?

I'm good at directions.
Well except sometimes. But all of us have our off days don't we?

I follow him into a room that looked the the dueling room from when Lockhart taught. Wait. Scratch that. Where Lockhart tried to teach.

Severus starts to ward the place. I add a few of mine. Did i tell you I have photographic memory. It makes learning new spells soo much easier.

He looked suprised that I knew these spells but continued with his warding after a split second.

We took our positions. And I started with simple first and second year spells had Severus dodged almost lazily. Cue the stunners- I stated firing more powerful spells. But after a few minutes I stopped and right then Severus stated firing. Wow. He was amazing. I knew that he can fight because of the war and all. But this. This is next level.

I doged most of them. And put a shield against some. Harry's insticts leading the way. I think this was more harry than me.

As we continued, a sound came from the corner of the room. And then out of nowhere a dementor came.

I put a shield against the latest spell and "EXPECTO PATRONUM" I shouted. Focusing on the happiest memories I have.

A Stag comes out. Wow. Harry was dominating this body.

And then when I moved back it turned into a dead body. More specifically, a woman. With red hair and bright green eyes that looked so lifeless. Lily. Severus's boggart.

Severus was still processing what he saw. Me casting the patronus charm and then his face turned to one of extreme pain.

"RIDDIKULUS"  I shouted with a lot of power. The boggart brush into a million pieces.

"How did you manage that?" Severus asked. After gaining his composure.

"I've been practicing Severus, i know what's coming. I wanted to be prepared."

"The mutt Lupin carries around is black isn't it?" He says in a neutral voice.

"Yes. And I have Pettigrew. He has changed Severus. He is not the person he once was." After a pause I continue.

"I need your help this holiday season Severus. Do you still live in spinner end?"

"I do have a house there" he says.

"Great. Then you will be receiving a gift on the Christmas. Just don't kill it ok? You can have your fun." Early he is confused but doesn't inquire about it.

"I believe you lessons have concluded for today miss Exostrefis." He says in his neutral voice again.

"Thank you professor. I know how much today means to you. And I will not be attending the feast anyways, so, I was wondering if I could come and learn a little more form you in the evening?" I risked asking.

"Fine. If you must" he grumbled.

"Thank you professor!" I was so happy and I hugged him. I realized a second too late that I just signed my death sentence.

"A student volunteerly giving me a hug. Damn. Im loosing my reputation.  Get off me you punk." He says with a hint of a smile.

"I apologize professor." I say, truly embarrassed.

"Now go, before I give you detention"
I turn around to leave when
"5 points from Gryffindor for being inappropriate Ruby"

First name basis. Good.

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