16 : Gringotts and Goblins

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I went back to find  Draco pacing and mumbling things like "do you think we should do?" "Can we go now?" "I think it's been long enough" "something is definitely wrong"

Severus was just standing still. Looking like a statue. Eyes closed.

"Hi" I say awkwardly. I don't know why I'm awkward. But i just am.

"You scared the living shit out of me! Come here you Idiot. 45 minutes to Get a single ring? People don't take this long even to buy their wedding ring!" Draco yells at me and hugs me.

You read it right.

The cold hearted Slytherin king hugs me!

I'm just as shocked as you, honestly. 

I pat his back awkwardly.

"It's a good thing you kept your word Ruby" severus says with a nod. Referring to the promise of 'Not dying' that I told them before going in.

(You don't even remember it, do you?[angry baby glare])

"Let's get back home." Severus says and offers his hand to side-along apparate.

We went back to Spinners end and draco got sick. Again.

And then he stated cursing. Again.

"Thank you so much for your hospitality Severus. But I have to leave now. Thanks a lot" I say. Grabbing my trunk.

"It has been no trouble Ruby. Just remember, you will always have a place to stay here."

I nod. Slightly emotional. Gosh. Blame the hormones.

I called the taxi which was to take my to the leaky cauldron for the rest of the holidays.

Draco was leaving the next day. For the Christmas party that was to be held in malfoy manor.

The taxi came around 10 mins later.

And after around 20 mins I reached the leaky cauldron. I put a glamor on before leaving spinners end. So now I look like a 25 year old man with ginger hair. And no scar.

The leaky cauldron was packed like always.

I went straight to gringotts.

Oh, did you know that the Wizarding world has its own traditions to greet and behave with the goblins.

Most wizards and witches are ignorant of these traditions and the muggle borns don't know about it and the pure bloods think that they are superior to the goblins. No wonder thoes poor creatures hate us.

Me, being the good studious child I am, read about all the goblin traditions.

So, as soon as I entered gringotts, I greeted the goblins In goblin style.

🤟🏻 with 2 hands and in a namaste.

They looked suprised but they nodded theor head in acknowledgement

I went to the head goblin and asked him who is handling my account. He pointed me toward a goblin by the name of Roognak.

"Greeting Mr. Roognak. I would wish to know the details of my vault and the treasure that lies within it."

"Mr. Potter, I see you have taken your time to learn our traditions." He says looking impressed.

"About your vault.
You have 3 vaults of your own.
1 is the potter family vault. It contains 7,50,25,000 galleons, 11 Sickles and 19 knuts.

The second is your trust vault that had been made for you when you were born by your parents. It contains 25,50,000 galleons for you, a few photo albums and your parents will.

The Third is a vault contains all of your heirlooms and the family diarys and spellbooks." With that he stopped talking.

"So, who is incharge of my vault? Can you get me a copy of the most recent withdrawals?"

"Albus Dumbledore is incharge of your vaults and yes, I can do that Mr. Potter." With that he snapped his fingers and a paper appeared in his hand. He handed it over to me.

Yearly 10,000 galleons converted to muggle currency given to petunia and vernon dursley (they don't deserve a capital letter for their name>_<)

Monthly funds to hogwarts charity trust of 2500 galleons.

'Those animals were paid to take care of me!? Sorry. Don't disrespect animals that way. But seriously, that's why they didn't kill me off!? Ruby we need to do something. This is unfair. They were paid AND THEY STILL TREATED ME LIKE SHIT!' I could feel Harry breaking inside my head.

'Harry, calm down. It's over. Im not going to console you, but it's over. We need to get over it. Now we plan and RUIN Dumbledore ok?' I tried to make Harry see sense. He agreed.

"Mr. Roognak would it be possible for you to stop the payments to the dursleys without alerting Dumbledore?"

"Yes Mr. Potter. I shall do it" He said.

"Thank you Mr. Roognak. May your gold forever grow"

"My pleasure Mr. Potter. May your enemies fear your name." He greeted me back.

Hmm.. so this is where voldy got this idea.

To the dursleys we go...

Yeah yeah I know I told y'all I'll update more often.

And most of you don't want to hear the 'not related to the story' authors note so you can skip this if you want.

It was been stressful. To thoes who know me(yes you 🍫) you know what's happening. But to those who don't. I've been mentally busy. I had to make a choice that would affect the rest of my life and I didn't have proper guidance to tell me what to do. I had less time too. But I finally managed to do it. I just hope I won't regret it.

But I will update more often to the 5-6 people who are waiting for me.

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