17: The dursleys and Marauders

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Capital letter is only to those who deserve it. And children-abusing 'freaks' don't deserve it.

I reached late in the afternoon. Dudley will be home tomorrow.

I feel bad for that boy. He was just raised wrong.

petunia and vernon? No guilt or remorse what so ever.

Let the fun begin.

"Im home" I said in a sing song voice.

"The list is waiting freak. Go do your chores and don't you dare disturb us" petunia commanded.

Hmm that has to change.

"My dearest aunt. What do you say about a deal? I will be out of your house for good. Just sign this and Dumbledore doesn't need to know. What do you say? Hm?" I told her in my business voice.

I hand her a paper that had my freedom.

She signed it without hesitation.

Just before leaving, I left Hagrid's Text book on the coffee table. Hehe he.

I left. But where to now?

We still had 4 days of the yule holidays left.

I sent a letter to Remus and Sirius, anonymous obviously, but I'm sure it peaked their interests.

It went like-

Moony and padfood.

Do you want to find Wormtail?
Leaky cauldron at 12 p.m. on Wednesday.

Someone who knows.

I could apparate so I went into a dark deserted alley and did just that.

I reached the leaky cauldron and they were there.

And boy were they suprised to see me.

"Harry what are you doing here? A young boy like you shouldn't be out in the open alone. Where are your relatives? "

Ans I told them everything. I the only thing I hid from them is that I'm not Harry. I told them that I was a 19 year old version of Harry. I didn't want to tell them that I'm me because maybe their loyalty won't be as strong towards me as it is towards their Pup.

I handed over Pettigrew.  Remus said he'll make sure Sirius doesn’t kill him.

Don't worry. I remembered to oblivate wormy. He believes that he was stunned kept in a cage with the dursleys in the cupboard under the stairs.

My job was done.

"Oh, Remus, snuffles, I'd appreciate if you didn't tell Dumbledore about me being a time traveler and all. He would manipulate me." They both nod.

I told then about what Dumbledore did in Harry's life. Stealing from him and letting him be abused.

They weren't a devoted follower of him anymore.

Okay. Time to leave.

I told my goodbyes and I was out. They did ask me where I would stay and Remus offered his apartment for me to stay in but I politely declined.

After a short discussion with Harry we decided that we would go to the Weasleys

'Ruby, can we go to the burrow? Ron wouldn't mind. And I'm sure the Weasleys would be glad to have me, you. Us.' Harry stated.

'Hmm. Good idea. Let's go. And Luna's' house is not far too.' I would be very happy to officially meet Luna. And I'm sure she will welcome me.

I saved her from some bullies this year. And also taught her a few warding and guarding spells so that no-one steals her things. And she was greatful. She wanted me to visit her. And I might as well get a good word with the editor of the quibbler.

Speaking of... a little bug needs taking care off.

Anyway, back to the matter at hand.

I told them I will be staying with the Weasleys. They didn't mind much because they knew Ron and the twins were my friends.

I apparated away.

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