5: A Pet & A Patronus

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One thing I realized is that Hedwig knew I was not the same Harry.

'My pet loves me' Harry says.
'Yeah yeah, mine will to' I reply.

What did I do?

I let him be in his cage and went looking for a new pet.

The Magical Menagerie. Just the place I was looking for.

"How may I help you dear" a kind voice asked as soon as I entered.

"I would like to get a snake ma'am" I inform the lady at the desk.

"Right this way child. Just be careful. Not everyone is made for taking care of a snake."

Harry, brain Harry, snorts.
'I'm a parseltounge' he says sassyly.

'I know dumbhead' I sas back

"A double soul. A rare one aren't you?" A snake hisses

"Can you give me a minute alone?" I asked the lady.

"Are you sure dear? It might be dangerous..." she spoke in a scared voice.

"I will be fine ma'am" I say with confidence.

"Okay dear. Take care. I will be at the front desk if you need me"

I nod to her.
And she leaves.

"I can understand you you know?" I say to the snake that spoke earlier. "How did you know I was a double?"

"Im an old one, child. You will pick up tricks as you age."

'If I age.' Harry says in my head darkly.

'Don't say that. You definitely will' I reassure him.

"So speaker? Are you going to take me with you?" The snake asked.

"Yes. Come along " I snake speak back and extend my arm for it to climb.

"I will be taking this one ma'am. How much do I need to pay?"

"Wow. I've never seen this snake go near anyone. 20 galleons dear" she says in her sweet voice.

"20 galleons!? I'm worth more" my new snake hissed.

I pay and leave the shop.

Back to the leaky cauldron it is.

The rest of our time was spent boning with Sirius and Remus.

It will be wierd calling him 'Professor Lupin'.

Since the trace placed on me doesn't work got some spells done. And I did a lot get a hang on the feel of magic coursing threw my veins. But it felt Natural. It was like I was made for this.

"Lumos" I said for the first time

My wand, or Harry's wand glowed.


With that I began revising all that Harry learnt the last 2 years and also added a few of the spells from other years. Like stupify etc.
(Name your favorite spell)

Now, I was trying the patronus charm. Knowing that there will be dementors the whole year round(until I, obviously, decide to let Sirius have hus way with Pettigrew) which won't be before Christmas for sure. I don't want change the time-line a lot. I know I have to change everything once sirius is freed.

Let me live my life. Cut this girl some slack.

I was trying the patronus charm again after failing for the 7th time. I tried different memories each time, none worked.

The one where I imagine my parents alive and well kinda got a wisp of light, but I wasn't quite enough. Until I remembered her.

She was my best friend.

But she died. Like everyone else in my life.

I thought of all the happy moments we had.
Me sharing my food.
Sitting on a tree together.
Our long talks about nothing and everything.

At first all i felt was pain. The pain of her sudden death. The void I had in me.

"Think of the good times child" my snake who's name, by the way, is sliza, Sliz for short.

I focused on the happiness.

I felt energetic. That when I channeled all of my emotion into my wand.

"Expecto Patronum"

A magnificent owl was created.

My patronus was an owl!

It was beautiful.

After a few more tries I could perfectly perform the spell.

I'm ready for you, dementors!

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