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Author pov

A 9-year-old girl, Choi MinSeo, stood in front of the small building where dance classes were held. She had heard from one of her classmates that here, the class fee is less compared to the others in the city. Not that she was from a poor family, but she wanted to pay with  her pocket money, which left her with a very few options, if not just one.

She enters through the glass door, the loud sound of the music playing through the speakers greets her. Her eyes glimmer and her lips stretch into a smile as she looks around in awe. Her whole body itched to move with the beat, she loves dancing.

"Let's take a 10 minutes break and start from the top kids," the instructor clapped,  his students fell to the ground, exhausted from the dance routine.

The dance instructor smiles seeing how hard they worked before turning to his left for his water bottle when he sees the eager-eyed girl standing near the door cladded in a school uniform and a bag hanging on her shoulders. Her gaze turns towards him as their eyes lock, flustered she bows as the older smiles brightly and approaches her.

"How can I help you, dear?" he asks bending closer to her height, "I- I want to j-join your class," she stuttered, this was the first time she was alone somewhere without her mother, grandfather or  aunt.

"Sure, but for that you will have to fill out a form and get your guardian's signature on it. Why don't you tell me your name first" he says, noticing the girl's eyes widened a little and her tiny figure tensed.

"I am Minseo...can't I join without my parents' signature? mother is very busy, I am not sure when she could come," she lied, "and I will pay the fees, don't worry," she added.

The instructor observes Minseo, giving it a thought.

"It's not about the fees, I need your parents' permission, why don't you check with your mother when she is free and come back, ok?" He apologetically smile as her face fell, "please, I really want to learn to dance, can't you make an exception?" She pleaded.

His eyes softened as he looked at the girl looking at him with desperation evident in her eyes. He knew he shouldn't allow this "fine," he sighed, "I will give you a form but on one condition, I have to see you dance first, If I think it is worth it I will let you join and you must bring a guardian, if not your parents, we will get their signature" he said.

Minseo nods her head multiple times and keeps her bag aside her, stepping forward, "choose a song," he said handing over his phone. She chose one and stands in center of the room. Everyone who were present in the room had their eyes focused on her. She took a deep breath before she started. She had chosen the song that she was most confident in, she didn't want to mess up this chance.

It was 'mic drop' by BTS.

Some members of the group like Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook were her role models along side few other k-pop idols, she would watch their dance on stage and learn their routines.

She was 6, When her love for dancing blossomed. Her mother used to spend as much time with her as possible, but she had a company to run, so when she was alone, she was allowed to watch cartoons on YouTube and that's when she came across a dance video of a young woman. She was mesmerized by how her body moved and wanted to try that herself and that's when she first tried to dance. When her mother came to know about her love for dance, she scolded her and told her that it was a waste of time and she should concentrate on her academics. Disagreeing to give up on her passion just like that, Minseo decided to keep dancing in secret without letting her mother know.

The song came to an end and the room was filled with applause, everyone was on their feet, clapping their hands with a look of astonishment. She looked over to the instructor who looked stunned collecting himself. He grinned big and clapped his hands.

"Am I worth it, sir?" She asked, with a grin, feeling confident in herself seeing that she has impressed many students and the teacher himself with her dance.

"I am Jung Hoseok, welcome to Hope dance world, Minseo-shi," he forwarded his hand, and the little girl shook it, with a wide grin on her face and glowing eyes, she finally could get professional lessons in dancing.

Hoseok takes her out to finish the formalities. While filling out the form, she leaves out her mother's number in case her teacher planned to call her mother. "There are 2 batches, one is for every Monday, Wednesday and Friday  and the other is for Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and you can choose one of these class timings," he informed once she was done with most of it.

"Can I come every day? I can pay extra too, and I will come after my school ends, is that ok?" she asked, he thought for a moment before he nodded. "Sure, you could, I will put you in the 2nd batch of the day then."

"Okay, just give me a minute, I will get my guardian's signature," she said before she ran out to her car "Ajusshi! He accepted me!'' She got her driver's signature in the guardian's place after explaining to him about what her coach said. "Remember everything I said ok? I should call Eomma now," the driver smiled at her. He had been working for this family since little Minseo's mother was a kid. 

Minseo took out her phone and called her mother, "Minnie, have you reached home?" her mother asked as soon as she picked up the call, "eomma, there are these extra classes arranged in school, it's for 2 hours, so I will come home after they end, they said it's important" she told.

"Ok dear, be careful, let Song ajusshi know the timing so that he could pick you up every day, hmm?" Her mother said. Minseo let out a silent sigh of relief.

"Eomma has a meeting now, give me a call once your class ends, ok? Love you baby."

"Sure ma, love you too."

She bid goodbye to the driver and walked in, the break was over and the coach, Jung Hoseok was in front of the students, when he saw her enter she turned to her, "wait for 5 more minutes, I will finish this batch and you can join with the next batch," he informed to which the girl nodded and took a seat on the chair that was next to the reception table.

Even though she was sitting down, her legs moved to the beat, and her head bobbed left to right.

So.... Here is it! A new beginning!! Finally after months I started a new book! Let me know what you guys think💜

Happy reading!💜

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