14 - Truth Out

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Hoseok pov

"Jeon Fucking Jungkook! You bastard! Haven't you been told not to go to social media when you are drunk? The whole world has seen your video and it's so embarrassing!" Hyejin shouted as soon as she woke up, waking the others too.

Last night the boys celebrated Hyejin's birthday along with Ara, their friend, Nabi and Eunji, their temporary stylist. Everyone had been so drunk that they were not in their senses when their maknae filmed a 10 minutes long video and posted it on instagram. Jungkook was told to immediately take down the video and their PR team handle the clips of that video that was circulating everywhere on social media.

Nabi scrolls through instagram seeing how armys were making fun of everyone in the video.

Ara-shi is so us! She is a true army!🤣😌💜

I know I shouldn't laugh, but Hyejin-shi and Jinnie oppa were so funny when they were crying😭😂

Can we also join this class, Yoongi oppa?🥺👀🤣

Nabi-shi is the same whether sober or drunk🤣🔥

Taehyung and Jungkook are unbeatable when it comes to being Namjoon's fan, you can't take their place bitches. And Namjoon's face, he was so done with the members.😔✋🏻

Isn't that girl at the corner next to Jin oppa their new stylist? She looks so tiny next to the members, she is the cutest!😭🤍😍

Is this some kind of sorcery? Yoongi and Hobi literally swap their personalities when they are drunk! 👀🤣

I am sure Jungkook is gonna get grounded after this people! Lets pray for our kookie everyone. 😔✋🏻

"Ah your fans' comments are hilarious, we definitely entertained them," Nabi noona laughed, causing everyone to  throw her a glare. All of us, except Nabi, were too embarrassed from this, enough to not even bother about the terrible headache possibly all of us had from our drinking last night.

"Jungkook! I look so ugly crying!" Jin hyung exclaimed. Ara was literally pulling out Jungkook's hair from his scalp while Tae was trying his best to separate them. While they did that I ignored them, choosing to tend to my throbbing head first and go to grab a water bottle from the vending machine. Getting myself a cab, I left the building after covering my face properly.

It's been weeks since Minseo attended the classes and I couldn't seem to think of anything other than her. I hope she at least comes today. With that hope I went to the studio that evening but even long after the second batch of students arrived she didn't come, crushing all my hope.

Being done with the waiting, I decided to do something, something that might pass as absolutely insane and reckless.

When I had gotten to know about Minseo coming to the classes without her mother knowing, I got her house address and a few other information about her. So taking the student details file, I took out her paper and noted down the address before leaving the studio.

It was a medium sized mansion, medium compared to Soomin's humongous mansion, like a palace that stood tall in the outskirts of Seoul. The walls surrounding the mansion were big, and I am sure there were cameras all around, but I didn't really mind it. Making sure my face was well covered, I got on top of my car and reached the over the wall. I gulped before I shut my eyes tight and jumped down the other side. My leg started hurting like hell, but that was the least of my concern right now. I was completely focused on my goal of this absurd plan.

I spot one security guard at the front, but no one else other than him. Now, I had to find Minseo's room, I didn't want to jump into someone else's room and risk anything, what I am doing already was enough. Just as I was thinking of how to find it I saw movement on the first floor balcony, it was Minseo for sure. She was turning off the balcony lights and getting into her room. I looked at the wall to see what could help me to climb up and the best choice I had were the pipes. So I prayed to god to let me do this without breaking any bones and started climbing up.

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