09 - History repeating itself?

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Hoseok pov

It's been about 2 months since Minseo joined the dance class and so far she has repeatedly proven to be the best student. I never had a hard time teaching her anything, even the most difficult moves. She had this ability to grasp it within minutes.

"Ok, students, that's it for today, in our next class we will learn something new and fun," As I finish, the kids erupted into a series of noises expressing their excitement. Everyone start to pack and leave while Minseo as usual went into the changing room to change back into her school uniform before leaving for home.

A few minutes later she is out in her uniform and takes a seat, waiting for her car.

I started cleaning the room once all of them, except Minseo, are out. Despite having maintenance staff I always do a light round of cleaning, collecting the discarded bottles and the few wrappers in the corner and throw them in the trash before leaving home.

"I will help you, seonsaengnim," Minseo said, taking another corner to clear. As she was helping me, her phone rang, I noticed how her expressions changed after hearing what the person on the call said.

She looked terrified when she hung up the call.

"What's wrong?" I asked, dropping the trash bag and walked to her. "I- could you...could you please drop me to my school, please?" she pleaded, "why? What happened?" I asked confused and worried. "My driver told me that my mother is coming to pick me up, can you please drop me there? I really need to be there in the next 15 minutes, please, please" she said in a hurry.

I look at her with a raised brow 'ever since she joined she never came with a parent or even gave me her parents' information. And for some reason she always changes before leaving even though her school should be over and now this, she looks scared of her mom, like she is hiding something.' Sighing I say firmly "Fine I will drop you there, but you have some explaining to do tomorrow young lady," she has to explain what's going on, she could end up in trouble.

"Fine! But please, drop me at my school for now," she was desperate, I nodded before picking up my car key and leaving with her. She kept shaking her legs anxiously the whole ride to her school, only talking when I asked her for directions.

As soon as we reached her school, she ran out without another word. After a minute or so, the car she usually traveled in came by and she got in. I couldn't see inside because of the tinted glasses. Soon after that car drove away, I left too.

The next day

Minseo avoided my eyes the whole class, looking anxious and kept messing up even the steps that were very hard to not do right. I expected her to run out as soon as the class ended to avoid talking to me, but to my surprise she stayed back.

After everyone left, I sat beside her. She must be really anxious seeing how she is shaking her legs and biting her nails.

"Stop biting your nails, Minseo," I chided. I hate when someone bites their nails. I always scolded Jungkook when he did it, even though I myself am guilty of doing it when I get anxious

"Now, tell me the truth," I asked.

She took a deep breath before looking up at me.

"My mother doesn't know that I come here, a few years back when she found out I dance in my free time watching youtube she scolded me and told me to stop dancing, to concentrate on my academics instead. But I didn't want to stop dancing. It felt like losing a part of myself, But also at the same time I didn't want to outright rebel against my mother. She has always done everything for me and I didn't want to fight with her for this," She fiddled with her uniform, "So I danced in secret, that way I won't have to give up on dance nor will I upset her...Recently when I found out about these classes and the low fees I decided to come here, because I really wanted to learn more and it fell within my pocket money range."

I didn't know what to tell her, I couldn't help but see Soomin in her. Soomin attended dance classes in high school to annoy her mother who told her the same, it's a waste of time, concentrate on your academics.

"Does your mother abuse you, Minseo?" I ask her, concerned "Does she physically or mentally abuse you in any way? You can tell me, don't be afraid," I didn't want her to go through what Soomin went through.

Her eyes widened, and she immediately shook her head, "no, no, she doesn't, she is the best mother I could ask for, she has raised me without my father all these years," she responds "she only said that so that I could do better in my academics, I am not a bright student," she added.

She isn't the best mother out there, but I couldn't ask for more, she is still my mother and after all, I am not a bright student, so it makes sense, she wants me to do better.

"That's the same my ex- girlfriend told me, Minseo, and she suffered and is still dealing with the after effects caused by what her mother did" I scoffed.

Soomin had Nyctophobia, the fear of darkness. Ever since she was a kid her mother would lock her in a room all night without light if she made a mistake. And that developed her fear. I have seen how much the dark scared her and I have been hating her mother ever since.

"I am very sure, seonsaengnim, she doesn't abuse me, she is far from it," she assured, "if you need someone, I am there for you ok?" I patted her head, "but I really hope you wouldn't need me," I added.

Silence followed as we sat waiting for her driver when she asked me, "you had a girlfriend?" I looked down at her, I chuckled. She reassembled a cute and curious puppy. "Yeah, I did," I answered, "why did you break up?" she asked, "I had to," I Shrugged. "You didn't love her?" she asked, "I did and I still do, but love is not enough to be together, sometimes it is better to let go."

"I don't understand what else is needed and why it's better to let go when you both love each other," she looked annoyed, "my mother told the same thing when I asked her about appa," she huffed out.

"You are curious about your father aren't you," I chuckled. The first time when I asked about her father, she became upset and I gathered she wasn't with her father. I didn't know what happened but I figured her father was a sensitive topic for her.

"Yeah, a lot. I don't even go to school on father's day because everyone comes there with a father while I am just there, standing all alone. I feel like if I ask eomma about him, she would be hurt, I can't even hate him because eomma always told me he was a good guy and would have loved me to the moon and back if he knew about me" she messed her hair, seeming very frustrated about the situation.

I honestly felt bad for her, "why don't you ask someone else in your family about him then?" I asked, "I am scared, what if I do meet him some day and he doesn't like me?" she pouted.
I kneeled down to her level before I combed my fingers through her hair and assured her "you are the cutest kid I have ever met, you know?. And you are beautiful in and out. If I was your father, I would definitely cherish you, honey."

First of all, I am very sorry, last week was shit, I was very stressed with uni work that I wasn't in a state to post and the upcoming days also I might not post as per my schedule but I will try my best to stick with it. Thank you for waiting💖

Happy reading!❤️

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