20 - Melting Heart

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"How did you like spending time with Appa, baby?" I asked Minseo who was rubbing the sleep off her eyes. Hearing my question, the sleep immediately vanished in her eyes as she looked up at me happily, "I love spending time with him, eomma, I always liked being with Appa even before I got to know that he is my Appa," she grinned at me. I slowly nodded my head, "I got a text from him this morning, he asked if we could go to this bakery this weekend, they give baking classes," I informed, "really? I would love it, eomma," she answered, excited. "I will let him know about it then, Minnie," I ruffled her hair, and was about to get up when I heard her gasp.

"How did this end up with me, eomma?" she asked, holding onto the chain that Hoseok put on her last night, it had a ring instead of a pendant.

"You were holding onto it last night in your sleep, so he told me to let you know that you can return it this evening when you go to his class," I said, "so he knows it's with me right?" she asked, worried, and when I nodded she sighed. "Why?" I asked her, "last time when Appa misplaced it, he got scared that he lost it forever and started crying! I will text him and let him know that it's safe with me," she said and got down from the bed to get her phone but I called her back "Minnie come here," she turned back. I took the ring in my hand and my breath hitched, it was the promise ring that I threw at him in anger when we broke up, "this..." I mumbled under my breath, "it's yours eomma," she muttered under her breath and my hands immediately dropped the ring like it burned me.

"He said, he didn't want to lose this like he lost you," she said, I scoffed, "why break up with me and feel sad about it later," I spat and walked out of the room.


Minseo was bouncing on her toes, excited to bake with Hoseok. He had booked the whole day just for themselves and also requested the owner of the bakery to keep this confidential. I sat back at one side and just watched them as they both followed the instructions to bake the cake. Minseo giggled once in a while when her father created a mess with the flour, their face and apron were dusted with it, "you never baked, Appa?" she giggled while Hoseok scratched the back of his neck and that's when I noticed his ring finger, he was still wearing his promise ring and the chain hanging down his neck had my ring.

I shrugged it off thinking that he may have also kept it like how I kept his gifts as memories of my first love.

Once the cake was done baking, they let it cool down and decorated it with the brightest colors they could find. Both like the vibrant colors. Seeing them together I couldn't help but notice how the two were literally like the same person in 2 bodies.

Hoseok pov

"We did it!" Minseo exclaimed, jumping onto me as I caught her, "eomma you should taste and tell how it was," she said, turning to Soomin who was sitting in a corner watching her daughter with fond eyes. Soomin agreed and walked to us. Minseo cuts a piece of the cake and gives it to her, "it's very good, Minseo-ah," she said after tasting a spoonful of it. Minseo grins at the compliment.

Me and Minseo cut a piece for ourselves and the three of us took a seat as the owner left us alone. "Minseo-ah, don't you think it would be better if you come weekly three days from now?" I asked her, "it would be tiring for you to come every day, school will get tougher since you will be getting into higher classes soon" I added.

"But I wanna come every day," she pouts, "Minseo, he is right, if you want I can renovate one of the rooms for you to dance when you are home," Soomin suggested. The little girl thought for a moment before she slowly nodded.

We got the leftover cake packed and decided to leave. Just when we were about to enter the elevator, Soomin's phone rang, "you guys go on, I will attend this call and come," she said, I nodded and took Minseo with me. I reached the ground floor with Minseo, making sure to cover both our faces, and waited for Soomin. Even after 10 minutes when she wasn't back, I thought of going back to check on her but the elevator was off. I then called but I wasn't able to reach her, worrying me.

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