23 - Messenger

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Hoseok pov

"How is Soomin?" I asked Minseo who was helping me clean up as usual after the class ended. Jeongguk had decided to tag along too today. "She is good, I guess, she just feels guilty and says she can't face you," the little girl sighed out. "Tell her she has nothing to feel guilty about, Minseo, none of this is her fault and I will never blame her for any of it."

"Appa!" She looks at me annoyed "I am so done with being your messenger this whole week, you keep telling me things to tell her and she keeps telling me she feels guilty. Like you are grown ups, act like grown ups for god's sake, you both have your phones for a reason and god you know both her number and where she lives, tell her all this yourself!" she exclaimed frustrated as I gaped at her in shock and Jeongguk burst out laughing.

"Minseo-ah, you make me so proud kiddo," Jeongguk said, patting her head, "tell your driver not to come, I'll treat you to something from that bakery you like, and then drop you home myself." "I love you, jageunappa," she said, giving him a flying kiss just like Jin hyung. "Kids these days," I mumbled, shaking my head as I got out of my shock.

Jeongguk, who liked Minseo before he got to know that she was my daughter, started feeling possessive of me when I started spending time with her after we got to know that she is my daughter and would keep glaring at her whenever he saw her. But now he is warming up to her, and that's why I brought him here with me today, to make them both talk to each other a bit.

He is one little possessive shit who gets very territorial when someone new starts talking to people he loves. Him being very introversive, can't easily talk to new people that we talk to, so he just sits there glaring at them cutely with a pout on his lips for stealing his person from him. He gets very possessive with our members, his half-sister whom he has just started talking to (so he gets very jealous of people his sister talks freely to), Ara - whom he started getting close to and also Nabi noona whom he had known for years. He doesn't really mind if it's one of us with each other without him, but if a new person enters, he gets strung up..

When he left with Minseo today, I let out a sigh of relief that he warmed up to her again.

Soomin pov

"No! He was talking too much! Like he could have just given you the cake, right" I heard Jeongguk- wait, Jeongguk?

I was in the garden, sitting on the swing with my MacBook on my lap, going through a few reports while waiting for Minseo to get home when I heard his voice. I looked up at the car that entered just now, which clearly wasn't our car and then I saw Jeongguk and Minseo emerging out of the car.

"Oh god! There is nothing wrong with him telling me I am cute, aren't I cute?" she asked blinking up at him."You are, Minnie, but he is a stranger who called you 'cutie', he can't do that," Jeongguk shook his head.

I haven't talked to any of them yet other than Yoongi oppa, and meeting him like this when I was least prepared is not good, so I thought of hiding, but my daughter saw me before I could. "Eomma! Save me from this bunny!" she exclaimed before running towards me. Jeongguk's eyes followed the direction Minseo ran in and his eyes widened a little seeing me.

"Noona..." he called out, giving me a small smile, and taking a step forward. "....How are you? It's been years," he asked. I gave a small nod, not really knowing what to tell, I wanted to apologise first, but words were not coming out. "I-" I started, "I am sorry," I whisper out.

He walked till he was standing right in front of me, "I understand your situation, noona, I was hurt, but you weren't in a state to contact us, so I forgive you," he shrugged, giving me a smile. "Thank you, Gguk," I smiled a little. "How are you?" I asked, "I am great! You know, things are way better than before with our group, no financial problems, I could ask for nothing else," he chuckled, his bunny teeth peeking out. "How have you been, noona? I am sure looking after a kid wouldn't have been very easy," he said, looking at Minseo, "she was good, didn't give a hard time to her mother," I chuckled, patting my daughter's head.

"What were you two arguing about though?" I asked.

"Ah, that! I took her to a bakery to get her a few pastries and that guy there called her 'cutie', he doesn't even know our Minseo! But Minseo is telling me that's ok! Do you think so too noona? Is that ok?" he asked, cutely glaring at Minseo. "Gguk," I chuckled, "she is a little kid, people call her that a lot, it's okay, won't you tell that to a kid you think is cute?" I asked. "I wouldn't tell that to the kid who I don't know, that's very awkward," he shook his head. I softly laughed, ruffling his hair.

Minseo went inside to get changed and freshen up while Jeongguk stayed a few more minutes and talked with me, catching up on everything. He even told me how he got rejected by this one girl who came to work with them a few weeks back. When Minseo came back, Jeongguk got up to leave, "oh, Noona, I forgot to tell you, you might have a guest tomorrow," he winked, he started the engine of his car and drove off before I could ask him to explain.

"Who?" I asked Minseo who stood next to me. She gave me a smile filled with mischief.

"Appa might have told me to tell something to you again, and I might have scolded him for that and I might have also reminded him he has your number and your address...?" she trailed off in the end, "I am hungry eomma! I will go have dinner! Bye!" she ran off before I could tell anything.

Aishhh, these kids!

But he won't come... Right?

I don't know how to face him now, I blamed him for everything. He had to go through so much all by himself, with no one to confide in, while I at least had Minseo with me.

Idk how Jeongguk manages to look cute but also hot at the same time!


Happy reading!❤️

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