21 - Truth Revealed

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Author pov

"I can't wait to eat it!" Minseo cheered.

Since the last time they came to Hybe and had dinner, Minseo has been wanting to eat Haneul's food again, so this weekend Hoseok brought them to Hybe again just for the food.

Hoseok chuckled watching his daughter's excitement , all while Soomin was glaring at Hoseok. She had been trying to find something to hate about him, some imperfection, to stop her heart from wanting him again. To give her a reason to keep him away. But all her attempt were futile, how could she hate the very flaws that she loved him with? This annoyed her to no end.

"Haneul must be almost done, you could go and check if you want" Hoseok said, smiling at the younger, she nodded and ran off excitedly.

When he turned around and his eyes landed on Soomin, his lips pull down straight, it's been 2 weeks since they both started being around each other and Soomin didn't miss even a single chance to show her displeasure.

"You don't like being here and me being around Minseo"  Hoseok's question comes out sounding more like a statement.

"Of course I don't," she scoffed, "I am her father, what is so wrong about me wanting to spend time with her?" Soomin rolls her eyes, "Oh so now you want to play the role of her father. Well I've got news for you, I hate you, I don't trust you and honestly I don't want my daughter even around you," Hoseok looks at her with a pained expression  "Can't you at least be ok with me spending some time with her? Don't you see how happy this makes Minseo?" Hoseok asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you suggesting Minseo wasn't happy all this while with me?" she asked, slightly raising her voice. Both of their pent up emotions that they pushed down for days were surfacing up. Fortunately for them canteen was empty as it was the weekend and not many came to work.

"Why are you twisting my words, Soomin?" Hoseok let out a sigh, "then what are you trying to say? Hmm? You have no right to prance into her life, our life, and act like a father to her when you weren't even there till a while back!   I was the one who raised her all these years, by myself, without you and you think you can claim your right over her?"

"What did I even do for you to think like that? And who was the reason because of which I couldn't be there all these years? You! Soomin, You!" Hoseok yelled making Soomin flinch, she didn't expect him to shout.

"I never knew I had a daughter to begin with! If Minseo had not disobeyed you and come to the dance class then I probably would never have gotten to know, and you are the one to blame for that!" he added.

"How is it my fault? You were the one who left me saying that I was a distraction, you told me I was in your way to your success! After all that you expect me to come and tell you that you were going to be a father?" she shouted, banging her fist on the table.

An audience collected around the couple hearing their argument, but both of them were too immersed to even notice.

"Right! I left you!" Hoseok let out a humourless laugh, "I was forced to leave you, Soomin! Not just my life, but by bandmates' lives, their efforts, were at stake! I didn't have a choice but to break up with you!" he yelled, finally letting out something that he buried within him all these years.

"And you know who was the reason for that?" he asked, his voice raising with each word, "your mother! The person whom you always defended, threatened me that she would ruin our group even before it began if I didn't end things with you. I had no choice but to choose the band's future over my own, but I never knew that cost of it would be missing 9 years of my daughter's life!" he shouted, letting out all his pent up frustration.

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