24 - Making Up

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Hoseok pov

Knowing that I won't be allowed inside the mansion alone, I picked up Minseo from school as she didn't have dance class for today. I had made sure to have someone cover the class later in the evening so I was free.

Seeing Minseo with me, the security let me in. "She is home, right?" I asked Minseo. "Yeah, Appa, she is, I told her to come home early today to talk about some trouble I had in school," she answered, "what trouble? Is everything alright?" I asked. "Appa! I lied! Isn't it obvious?" she exclaimed, giving me a deadpanned look.

"Sorry," I whispered as I parked the car.

"Come let's go in before she sees your car and runs away," Minseo joked before we got out of the door and knocked on the door. Soomin opened the door in a few seconds, seeing only Minseo as I was hiding behind the pillar.

She smiled wide before hugging our little girl. I reveal myself from behind the pillar, assured that the door was open wide enough so even if she attempted to close the door I would block it on time. Her smile fell when she saw me and she stepped back a little, "I thought you were my daughter!" she whispered looking at Minseo who only shrugged, "I am also his daughter," Soomin gaped at her, "oh and please solve your problems today, I am so done being appa's messenger," she added and walked inside leaving us alone at the door frame.

"I won't ask if I could come in, I know you'll just leave me out here," I told and stepped in myself. She closed the door and followed me. As we took a seat on the couch in the drawing room, facing each other, she looked around, not once making eye contact.

"look, I am so sorry about what happened that day, I was stressed with everything that's been happening lately, and took it out on you. I didn't mean to tell you about your mother that day or any day for that matter. I know how much you loved her and I didn't want to taint that image when she is gone and can't even explain her actions." I start "Also about Minseo's custody, I would never do something like that."

"Hoseok, I know you would never do that, yeah I got worried at first when you said that but once I calmed down, I realised you would never even think of doing it, but, Hoseok... Don't you think I also deserve to know why you really broke up with me or what my mother did to my relationship?" she asked, she was calm to my surprise.

"Yeah, but that would only hurt you and I thought it's better to just carry it myself rather than hurt you too," I shrugged.

"Stop being so selfless, Hoseok! I should be the one apologising for everything but here you are apologising for telling me the truth! Aren't you angry that I stole 9 years of Minseo's life from you?" she questioned, slowly raising her voice. "I am not angry with you, Soomin. I am upset about it, I won't lie, I am angry at your mother for doing this to us. But you are a victim here yourself, you went through your break up and pregnancy all alone, and you were single parenting for 9 years! That must have been hard," I said.

"You- why do you have to be this understanding when I was so selfish," she said as a tear rolled down her eyes and my hands itched to go wipe it off, but I lost that right long ago. "You weren't selfish, Soomin-ah, you thought about me too, I appreciate that, you aren't to blame here, forgive yourself, please," I said.

"Do you forgive me, Hoseok?" she asks, I wanted nothing more than to hold her and comfort her "I never thought it was your fault, but I am saying this for you, I forgive you, Soomin," I said softly.

"Thank you," she mumbled, wiping her tears.

"Now, for Minseo, can we keep our differences aside and at least act civil around her? Jin hyung told me that Minseo was talking about our fight and didn't like seeing it one bit," I said, and she immediately nodded. "Yeah, you are right, we will get used to each other again," she said, "for that, you should stop avoiding me from now on," I chuckled. "I didn't know how to face you, Hoseok! And I promise I will never act like that with you again," she assured, slightly glaring at me, making me laugh.

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