32 - Tattoo

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Soomin pov

"You really aren't going to tell me?" Hoseok whined, I shook my head as I got into the driver's seat. "Not even now?" he asked again after getting into the passenger seat, I looked at him to see he was putting the best puppy expression he could.

"Nope, you and your daughter can't keep using that against me always," I shook my head and started the engine, "I am not even gonna look at you until we reach there," I added, turning to place a quick peck on his pouty lips before facing the road again.

"But my brain is gonna burst out if you don't tell me, I can't handle suspense even if my life depended on it," he whined, I only laughed, "talk to me then, tell me, how was work yesterday?"

He whined again but answered nonetheless, "it was good, didn't have practice so it wasn't tiring as usual, but the class tired me out, one more batch is going for a competition that is for 14-16 years of age, so they needed extra practice, but it was the usual, nothing much happened, but oh! I am excited for Namjoon's wedding. I was shocked when he told me about his arrangement, but Kyungmi seems like a decent woman even though she looks like she has the emotions of an insect."

"She might just be an introvert," I suggested, "like Ara," I added.

"Anyway, how are Haneul and Jin oppa? I heard some problems were going on between them," I asked, "thanks to noona now things are back to normal with them, Jin hyung is very happy, he was very uncertain before, but now he seems to have come to terms with everything," Hoseok answered, happy for his friend.

"Haneul seemed very happy when she told us the news. She said he is the best thing that happened to her, and I want them to last, and find happiness . She went through a lot at such a young age," I shared with him, "we girls should plan a hang out soon, it's been so long since we hung out," I added.

"What girls? I am curious about how many of these girls are there and how you met them, 'cause as far as I knew, you didn't have many friends." Hoseok chuckled.

"Well, this group started with Hyejin eunnie, Nabi, Ara and Eunji, they started talking in eunnie's birthday party and then Haneul joined in after Hyejin invited her, after I met Hyejin eunnie that day at the dorm they started inviting me to hang out. These days, Ara has been bringing Kyungmi too. Even though she seemed uninterested in the beginning, now she seems to enjoy our company," I said.

"That birthday party, the next week that video Jungkook posted was all over the internet, it was so embarrassing," Hoseok shook his head, "but your friend group, damn, to be honest I never saw you all hanging out together, like you all are so different from each other," Hoseok laughed, making me also laugh.

"Yeah, You know how I met Hyejin, Haneul and Nabi, Ara I first met for business the first time, that girl even though is so young, managed to build up such a big name on her own in the industry, she seemed so distant that time, told me she can't help with Tae when I first talked to her," I chuckled at the memory, "but then when Tae finally talked to me, he told Ara was the one who made him understand, she seemed to have gone through a lot in her personal life though, didn't tell me much, but told me she was in the same situation I was in, when we started hanging out too she first maintained her distance, then she finally started talking, she is kind to people she wants to, then the other two I met when I went to hang out with them."

"Eunji is the sweetest, kindest and most shy person in your group," Hoseok said, "yeah, she is, isn't she the one who rejected Kook?" I asked.

"Yep, the one and only, it seems like he moved on, but I don't think he has," Hoseok said, "our Kook has grown up," I said, wiping my fake tears making Hoseok laugh.

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