11 - Doubt or truth revealed?

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Author pov

"Are you free this weekend?" Hoseok asked Minseo who was laying on the ground, panting hard, after completing a routine. It was just the two of them in the studio as it was not the class timings. With Minseo's mother out on a business trip, she decided to spend more time here at the dance studio and practice more. Hoseok accepted without a second thought, he could never say no to her, especially seeing her so passionate about dance.

"yeah, it's my turn with eomma this weekend but since she is not home, I am free, why, seonsaengnim?" she asked, turning her head to look at him. "The guys are all very eager to meet you, they told if they don't meet you by this weekend they will roast and eat me," The older one shuddered.

Minseo laughed at her trainer as she gets up, "but why do they want to meet me?" she asked drinking some water. "Jungkook told them how good you dance and I talk about your progress from time to time so they are all very eager to meet you," Hoseok said before asking, "Would you like to meet them?"

"Sure," Minseo shrugged, "should I perform in front of them?" she asked, a bit nervous. Dancing in front of the most famous boy band, who are known to have the most difficult choreography, was definitely a big deal.

"I think they would want to see you dance. Let's impress them, yeah?" he winked at her as she nodded with a big grin. They start with a new routine, which Hoseok was sure Minseo will do great in. Being aware of her strengths and weaknesses in dancing, he made her do routines that would work to improve her overall dance, and it definitely was working visibly well, she has been improved a lot ever since she came.


"don't scare away the little girl, okay?" Jin flicked Jungkook's forehead after he asked if he could play video games with her "She doesn't play video games, other than dancing she likes to bake," Hoseok interjects.

"You know a lot about your student," Yoongi pointed out. Leaning against the practice room's mirror. All of them were sitting in Hoseok's studio, where they decide to meet up with the little girl.

Hoseok opened his mouth to say he knows a lot about all his students but shut his mouth right back, realizing that he actually didn't. It was just Minseo he knew that much about. Her family, her hobbies, what she likes, her weekend plans, you name it.

"She is here," Jungkook said, when he spotted her car.

"Woah, she is rich," Taehyung whispered, as all 5 of them except Hoseok and Jungkook huddled on top of each other and looked out through the glass.

"Why is she coming here then?" Taehyung questioned "If you all keep staring at her like that when she gets down you will definitely make her feel uncomfortable, just sit back down," Hoseok sighed, shaking his head.

They all turned back to Hoseok, sitting on their previously occupied chairs while Taehyung was still taking glances at the car and the little girl getting down from it.

"Tae!" Namjoon called out, noticing him, the said guy turned back immediately, "she uses her pocket money for the class fees, so she couldn't afford most of the other ones and that's why she ended up here. I will tell you everything later, now, act normal, don't freak her out by acting like a bunch of hooligans and scare her away," Hoseok said sternly, "as if you are normal," Jimin scoffed, giving Hoseok a very offended look. The latter chose to ignore it and walked out of the studio to welcome a nervous looking Minseo.

"Minseo-ah, come on, they all are eagerly waiting for you," Hoseok greeted her cheerfully, making a smile form on her face. "Good morning, seonsaengnim," she bowed respectfully, stepping in with him. Minseo hid behind the older shyly when they stood in front of the boys who were looking at her with curious eyes.

"Boys, this is my best student-" he paused his introduction when he looked to his side, with his hands mid air, and found it empty.

Noticing Minseo hiding behind him he smiled at her encouragingly as he placed his hand on her shoulder and gently pulled her to the front. Taehyung steps forward with a very big smile on his face, getting a small smile from Minseo in return, her eyes still looking around nervously. She had been admiring them through a screen all this while for their hard work and how great they are in what they do . And now she was actually standing in front of them all, seeing them up close? She was having a parade in her heart from the nervousness.

"Hello, I am Kim Taehyung," he greeted her, putting his hand forward for a shake, his smile remained just as wide "I know," she mumbled, but her eyes widened and she looked up at him, "I am s-sorry, I am Minseo," she avoided using her surname as her mother had told her to avoid using it as much as possible.

"You are so cute," Taehyung cooed, pinching her cheeks, Minseo shyly smiled at him. Jungkook greeted her next, she was much more at ease with him as they had already met. Yoongi came up next, "Min Yoongi, nice to meet you," they shook hands, "nice to meet you too, Yoongi-shi," she shyly said.

"You and Hobi have the same dimples, and also look similar," Yoongi mentions out of the blue, being a good observer. "We do?" Hoseok laughed, looking at Minseo, now that Yoongi mentioned it, everyone noticed how they both look similar. "Maybe all the dancers are like that," Jin jokes, getting a positive reaction only from Jimin.

"Hey there angel, I am Jimin, I have heard very highly of you," Jimin chimed, making the little girl smile brightly at his charming smile.

"Your smile is as bright as Hobi hyung's!" Taehyung exclaimed, pinching her cheeks, "if you keep pinching her cheeks it might come off, Tae," Jin smacked the younger's head as he came forward to greet the little girl with Namjoon close behind

Minseo started easing up with the guys when Yoongi spoke, "how do you know, Nabi?" Everyone stopped talking and looked at Yoongi at his unexpected question. "Nabi imo? She is my mother's friend, she has been around ever since I can remember," Minseo answered.
"How did you know they both know each other?" Hoseok asked, "Nabi always makes reels with Minseo and posts. I knew she looked familiar but I didn't think it would be from Nabi's reels," the elder answered. "What do your parents do?" Yoongi interrogates "my mother runs a business and my father... I don't know my father," her voice became low at the end.
Jin who was sitting next to Yoongi jabbed his elbow into his ribs for asking a question like that, but Yoongi was too occupied in his thoughts to acknowledge it. He doesn't ask anything further and sits quietly.

Hoseok, noticing that Minseo wasn't as nervous as before, called her for the dance. Hoseok danced next to her, even though the dance wasn't as hard as Hoseok's style, it was a huge deal for a kid of her age, despite that she kept up with the elder and finished the routine.
"That was so damn great!" Jimin stood up and ran to the little girl. He lifted her up in the air and spun her around, making her giggle softly. The guys not only loved her dance but were also grateful to her for putting a big smile on their hope's face.

Posted!! Did Yoongi find out? Will he tell it to Hobi??👀🫣

Happy reading!💜

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