22 - Love

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Hoseok pov

"When did you come back?" Yoongi hyung asks, seeing me coming down the stairs, "last night, hyung," I replied walking to sit next to him. When I returned last night I found Minseo sleeping in my room. And this morning when I woke up she was still asleep so I let her be and freshened up before coming down.

I looked around, noticing the dorm was awfully silent, which was very unusual. "Where is everyone? I thought we all had a day off this weekend?" I asked Yoongi hyung. He was the only member in sight. "All are home, it's just that no one came out of their room except me and Jin hyung. He is in the kitchen," he answered, I slowly nodded.

After a few minutes of silence, hyung asked, "you thought you could hide it from us forever?"

"Huh?" I stared at him blankly, not understanding what he meant.

"The reason why you broke up with Soomin," he explained, my breath hitched, "H-how did you...?"

"Jungkook was in the canteen, I guess you didn't notice him," he said, he looked all composed and calm, but I knew he always does despite the situation, despite what he was feeling, which made me more anxious.

"I- I-" I didn't know what to tell, I never wanted them to know, fuck I didn't want any one to know about this. Yesterday everything tumbled out in the heat of the moment, I wasn't able to hold back. That's why I left before I said something else and returned only after I calmed down.

"You went through all that for us and you never thought of telling this to us?" I heard Jin hyung from behind. Just as Namjoon came down the stairs. "We are a team, we were supposed to be together in this, especially when it concerns all of us," Namjoon said. I hung my head low, "I- I am s-sorry," I mumbled.

"We should be the ones apologizing, hyung," Taehyung said, coming with Jimin and Jungkook. "It's because of us that you broke up with noona," Jungkook mumbled with a pout, his head hanging down as he stood in front of me.

I pulled him down to sit next to me, "see, this is why I didn't tell anyone about this, none of you are responsible for what happened. Her mother didn't like me, she wanted to give her daughter to someone who she deemed worthy, who would benefit her company but I didn't fall into that category. So she did what she thought was the best thing to do to kick me out of her daughter's life, no one is at fault here except her."

Jungkook hugged me from one side while Taehyung hugged my free side after joining us on the couch and started crying. "You went through a lot, all alone, taking all the blame for the past hoba ..." Jin hyung said, ruffling my hair from the back.

"We are sorry you weren't able to tell it to us and confide in us, hyung," Jimin mumbled, hugging me from the front. "You all were there with me, Jimin-ah, without you guys I don't know how I would have survived through all that," I fondly chuckled, "I am forever grateful to have you all in my life," I said, looking around at them.

"We also feel the same about you, Hobi," Yoongi hyung said, and the remaining members joined the hug too, crushing me, "I am being crushed!" Jimin's muffled voice was heard from beneath me, Jin hyung laughed and tightened his arms around us, making us all laugh when Jimin whined even more.

When all pulled back, Taehyung and Jungkook finally stopped crying, but still were stuck to my sides. Jungkook had his arms and legs around me while Tae only had his arms around me and their heads placed on either of my shoulders.

"I will wake Minseo up, then we will have breakfast," Jin hyung said and walked upstairs. The moment my little girl came down, she ran into my arms as soon as her eyes landed on me, which made Jungkook and Taehyung finally let go of me.

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