26 - Parents

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Author pov

"You don't have to worry, Minseo-ah, you are really doing great!" Hoseok reassured his daughter who was panicking because of the dance competition happening next week.

Soomin and Minseo were at Hoseok's apartment that afternoon to spend the weekend together.

"But what if I make a mistake there? Everyone will see it!" she exclaimed, "only you will know it's a mistake Min, they don't know your choreography! They will only know it's a mistake if you show it and when you are on stage just think about the music and steps. Forget about the judges and audience being there, let the music carry you. I know you will do good" Hoseok pats her head "And even if you don't, it's okay, we will have many more competitions where we can win. This is your first after all, so just do your best and have fun" he gave her a reassuring smile.

"That's what I have been telling her! It's ok to lose and learn from her mistakes, you think your father had it all from the beginning itself?" Soomin spoke from the kitchen. She didn't really trust Hoseok with cooking so she told him to go spend time with Minseo. Which he didn't agree to first but she convinced him to join his daughter and leave the cooking to her."You will do well, Minseo, you have one more week until the competition, practice well, ok?" Hoseok assured her once again before he got up to see what Soomin was doing.

"Do you need any help?" he asked. Soomin, who was stirring something, turned around when she heard him, "Nah, I am almost done, why don't you both arrange the table," she suggested. Hoseok nodded and the father-daughter duo arranged the table.

Just as they were about done Hoseok heard the doorbell, he wondered who it was. Assuming it was mostly be one of the members, no one else would come unannounced other than them. "I am damn sure it's one of the maknaes," Hoseok said to which Minseo giggled from the table.

"Surprise!" His parents cheered but when they noticed their son who looked shock and not as happy as they expected, their smiles fade. "Eomma... Appa..." he muttered, he didn't want them to know about his daughter in this way.

"Hoseok, who is it?" Soomin came to the front door wiping her hands on the apron she was wearing.

"Soomin?" his mother mumbled under her breath as both her and her husband's eyes widened. Soomin froze in her place when she saw the elders. She had met them a few times whenever they came to meet Hoseok when they were still dating. His parents loved Soomin and she liked them too. Hoseok's mother was like a second mother for her. Her mother was never sweet towards her but his mom always showered her with love.

"Appa! Eomma! I am hungry!" Minseo exclaimed from inside and the parents' eyes widened even further if that was even possible.

"Please come in, I will explain everything," Hoseok said, as they both walked in, Soomin saw how nervous Hoseok was, so she gave him a reassuring smile and walked in with him. When the older couple saw the little girl, they immediately knew she was Hoseok's daughter. She looked the same as his sister when she was young.

"You both were lying all along? You both never broke up? And have a daughter?" Hoseok's father asked, "n-no," Soomin stuttered.

Minseo ran to her parents seeing the older couple, eyeing them with curious eyes. She did know they were her grandparents as she had seen a lot of pictures of them in Hoseok's room and his studio. Hoseok made them sit down in the living room and explained everything, their parents were shocked hearing everything, but they weren't angry at Soomin for hiding about their granddaughter nor were they upset with their son for not telling them sooner. He himself needed time digesting everything.

"Minseo-ah, come here," The older woman called lovingly and Minseo immediately walked to her, she already liked her because of how sweet she was.

"She looks just like Jiwoo, doesn't she?" She cooed to her husband who agreed, they both started talking to her, asking her a lot of questions and also telling a few parts of Hoseok's childhood to her here and there.

"I want to tell Noona about this tonight. She isn't in Korea right now as she went along with her husband on one of his business trips so I was thinking we can video call her. Will you join me?" Hoseok asked as they both entered the kitchen, "yeah, sure," Soomin nodded.

They ordered lunch from outside as Soomin made food for only 3 of them. While having lunch his parents explained that they came to Seoul for some work purposes and thought of dropping by and surprising their son.

"We will visit soon, I want to bring a lot for my granddaughter, maybe next week we will stop by," his mother said to which her husband agreed without a second thought. "If you want we could visit too, Minseo will also get see Hoseok's childhood home. She never visited his hometown before," Soomin suggested, "of course. We don't mind, let us know your plan," His father said.

After lunch, Soomin was helped by the older woman to clean the table while Hoseok was washing the dishes.

"You and Hoseok..." the older woman trailed off, "we are meeting up just for Minseo, eomma," Soomin said, she could see the elder's smile fall, "I hoped you both were together again, he still looks at you the same way," she whispered "Huh?"

"When we both met you for the first time, we saw the spark in your eyes when you looked at each other. You know Hoseok's father looks at me like I hold all the stars in his galaxy and Hoseok looked at you the same way when he first introduced you to us. Even now. He still looks at you like that, I don't want to get in between you both, it's your relationship, but all I want to say is, don't lose each other again, take a decision wisely," she advised.

Soomin pauses in thought for a moment, but she decided to think about it later, later when she was alone. She entered the kitchen to help Hoseok with the dishes when she noticed something on his left forearm. He usually wears a full arm around her so she never noticed this. She walked up to him to get a better view and when she saw what it was, she was shocked and a lot of feelings came at once, overwhelming her.

She didn't think before she grabbed his arm and brought it close, the tattoo was an outline of Mickey and Minnie, just like how they wanted it when all those years back they decided to get one. "When did you get this?" she asked, Hoseok stared at her, fazed for a moment before he nervously laughed, "ah....it- it was a dare the members gave," he stuttered, she nodded and dropped the topic. She knew it was a lie but didn't want to push him.

Fuck does he still have feelings for me? Do I still have feeling for him? She deliberated, not knowing the answer herself.

Happy reading!❤️

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