31 - Complete

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"Can the three of you go and shop some decorations we can put up?" Hoseok's father asked, looking at Hoseok, Soomin and Minseo while the family were having their breakfast the next morning. "Sure, appa," Soomin nodded, "then are we going to start decorating today itself?" Minseo asked excitedly, "you three are on decorating duty, Jiwoo and son in-law are on baking while me and my husband are going to enjoy a day off by ourselves away from all this festive ruckus," Hoseok mother said, smiling at her husband making their daughter scoff.

"Aren't you both alone with each other all year?" she asked, "but Christmas isn't all year," the elder woman retorts. "Fine, fine, now you both please don't start fighting," Jiwoo's husband stepped in.

After breakfast, the trio covered themselves fully from the before leaving. Hoseok took them to the usual place from where his family gets the decorations from. Minseo was very excited and chose everything very carefully, "everything should be gold, green and red themed," she had ordered her parents when they entered the store. The parents of course went with it. Hoseok let her choose everything she needed while Soomin was scolding him for spoiling her.

"Where Else will we use our money? Its all of course for our Minseo, and when Minseo has a sibling, then for them too" Hoseok winked and Minseo immediately gasped, "I am gonna have a sibling? Is it a brother or sister?" she asked, jumping up and down, Soomin passed a death glare towards the man who guiltily smiled at her and turned to her daughter, "we will see about that when we have one, Minnie, but it definitely won't be anytime soon," she said before smacking Hoseok's butt making him let out a yelp.

When Minseo pouted and turned around to continue her shopping, Soomin turned to Hoseok and scolded, "keep a check on what you say!"

Hoseok only pouted and returned his attention back on their daughter, "and it's not about spending money, my family's wealth is enough to make the next 5 generation live luxuriously, but I want her know that having money doesn't mean she can spend it as she wishes, she should know its worth and not be a rich spoiled brat," she Soomin explains. Hoseok thought for a moment before he nodded, "you are right, I didnt think about it like that," he let out a sigh, he had a lot to learn about parenting.

After shopping, they gave their address for delivery and went to a nearby restaurant to have lunch before returning home. Minseo immediately got into decorating the tree with her parents. Hoseok felt content at that moment, decorating the Christmas tree with his little family.

"What are you smiling so wide about?" Soomin nudged him and brought him out of his trance, "it feels so good, doing this with you both, it feels... feels so-" he didn't know the right word.

"Complete? Fulfilling?"

"Yeah! That!"

"I get it, even I feel the same, there were a lot of times when I felt incomplete because you weren't there, but now, when Minseo has the two of us and I have you, I feel so content just being together," Soomin smiled looking at Minseo who was dragging her aunt and uncle to show the tree who were in the kitchen.

"Fuck, Soomin, I really did miss you so much and I can't express how happy I am that I have you back and with Minseo? I can't be any happier!" he exclaimed, he put her arms around her pulled her tight against himself and placed a long peck on her lips making her grin wide.

"Hobi, I want to ask for a Christmas gift," Soomin said, "anything you want, babe," he flashed his sunshine smile, "can you give me my ring? The one around your neck?" she asked, her eyes hopefully looking at him. "I will, but not this one, that time I wasn't able to gift an expensive ring because of how my lifestyle was then but now when I can gift you a whole jewelry shop, I don't want you to have this shabby ring," Hoseok said, "I am gonna keep this to myself and gift you much better ring, like the one I always hoped to give you" he added.

"Hoseok, why don't you still get it? The cost of your gift never mattered, what made it special for me was the fact that you gave it to me. that ring is worth more than diamonds for me, that's our promise ring," Soomin scolded. "If you want to give me a promise ring, then give the old one, or no need, and if you really wanna give a diamond ring, then fulfil your wish when you propose to me, but I want this ring first," she added with a teasing smile at the end.

Hoseok blushed a little, "fine, but our engagement ring is gonna be the best and most expensive in this whole world," he states proudly. "As long as it's not heavy and chunky I'm ok with it," Soomin laughed.

Hoseok unhooked the chain around his neck and pulled out the ring before sliding it into Soomin's finger, "forever," he whispered, and Soomin repeated it before tiptoeing to place a kiss on his lips but soon pulled away when they heard a gasp.

"Did you just propose to her?" Jiwoo asked, "noona! I am so done with you, what did I even do in my last life to have a sister like this!" Hoseok groaned in embarrassment, and Minseo giggled while Soomin hid her tomato-like face in Hoseok's neck.

"You must have saved the whole universe to be blessed with my existence," the elder boasts, making her husband sigh and pull her away. "Enough, now come and help me in the kitchen before eomma comes home," he pulled his wife back into the kitchen with Minseo following behind.

"Invite me to the wedding, Appa, eomma," Minseo giggled as she went into the kitchen, "she spent too much time with noona," Hoseok shook his head before turning around and placing his lips back on Soomin. "Let's go out for dinner tonight. Just me and you. My parents can take care of Minseo, hmm?" he asked, pulling back, Soomin nodded happily, "take me on how many ever dates you want to while we are here, when we go back to Seoul I am gonna take you on dates and spoil you rotten," Soomin grinned, pecking his lips.

I have been writing a lot these days and it's making me sooooo happy😁

Happy reading!❤️

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