17 - First Date

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Author pov

"What is it?" Hoseok asked, panting. He had ran all the way from the 3 Rd floor till the school play ground to meet Soomin who had asked him this morning to come meet her here. "Come sit down first, who told you to run?" Soomin scolded, as the boy sat down next to her on the bench.

"I was late, I didn't want to make you wait," he answered, calming down. "Now tell me what you wanted to talk about?" he asked. "Right, about that," Soomin turned to face him fully, sitting with both of her legs on either side of the bench. She took a hold of his hand, making him look at her and blush. He started liking her somewhere in between their dance classes together,  math study sessions and their endeavors to find cheap but tasty food, hanging out in the small food joints. He was just waiting for the right time to confess.

She looked him in the eye before she spoke, "I like you, will you go on a date with me?"  his world started spinning, his heart beating at an inhuman pace. He gaped at her, opening and closing his mouth like a fish, "yah! I just confessed!" she exclaimed, "Give me at least some answer!"

"I- I yeah, yes," he nodded his head, Soomin facepalmed, "yes? Just yes? I expected an 'I like you too' at least."

"I was caught off guard ok? I wanted to confess first, Minnie! I was supposed to confess first and ask you out!" he whined after getting over his shock. The girl scoffed, "yeah, I would have become a grandmother by the time you confessed so I took matters into my own hands,"  It and been 4 months since they both started hanging out together. Out of that time Soomin s liked him for a while now. She realised he too liked her and waited for him to confess, but she being impatient she confessed after waiting just for a few days.

Hoseok's ears reddened. "You knew..." he muttered under his breath. "I was waiting for the right time, ok?" He mumbled, looking down with a pout.

Soomin chuckled, "fine, you can confess now, we'll null my confession" she said, looking at him expectantly. Hoseok took a deep breath, holding her hands in his and looks in her eyes "I like you, Soomin, will you be my girlfriend?" his eyes held all the sincerity, his voice was lower than usual. Soomin grinned wide, she excitedly nods her head and leans forward, placing a peck his cheek, making the poor boy blush furiously. "I like you too," she giggled, which the guy found to be the cutest sound. "Let's go on a date tomorrow after school," Hoseok suggested with a shy smile, Soomin once again nodded happily.

That night Hoseok was brainstorming for date ideas and didn't know which of the boys he was living with to ask. As far as he knew none of them had dated before to give him advice on this. He searched a few places on the net, he wanted it to be something meaningful. "Planting? Nabi, our friendship is fine just as it is, we don't need to plant a tree in some random park." he heard one of the trainees who he stays with, whine. Nabi was his childhood best friend who was the exact opposite of the boy, she is an extrovert who couldn't sit quiet for more than a few seconds while Yoongi is an introvert, not one who would talk much.

"You don't understand, kitty," she whined back, Hoseok walked out of the room that all the boys shared and saw Nabi was half sitting on Yoongi, trying to convince him. "What happened?" the younger asked, "Hobi! How are you?" Nabi asked, as soon as she saw Hoseok, "I am good, noona, how are you?"

"As you can see, I am very miserable," she dramatically sighed and leaned her head on her best friend's shoulder, "There's something called personal space, Nabi" the elder gently pushed her hand off, trying to get away from her. "See, how he is, I got to know about this park, it was recently opened and they let visitors plant a sapling there and also name it. You can go see it and water it if you want to. Just imagine seeing it grow as a tree over the years just like how strong our friendship is. But this guy doesn't want to," she shook her head, rambling on and on.

A bulb went off in Hoseok's head, "you are the best noona, I love you!" Hoseok exclaimed and ran to the room but came right back out, "where is this park?" he asked. The friends stared at him for a moment before Nabi told the exact location of the park.

The next morning

"I like this," Soomin said, as they walked around the park, "thank god you did," Hoseok chuckled, feeling a little less nervous, "so... here they let people buy a sapling and plant them, I wanted to plant one with you... You know, after a few years when it grows as a tree we would have a beautiful memory," the male hesitantly suggested.

"Wow, that's so thoughtful of you Hobi, I'd love to" Soomin said, warmth embracing her.

They got a sapling that was sold nearby the park for this purpose and got the equipment needed, somebody who knows about gardening  accompanied to guide them.

"We are so dirty," Hoseok laughed, looking at himself and Soomin who herself was laughing looking at their states. "I wanna name it Mickey and Minnie," Soomin said, when the person who guided them asked for a name once they both cleaned themselves up, "Mickey and Minnie?" Hoseok asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, you call me Minnie, so my boyfriend should be Mickey right?" Soomin winked, and Hoseok blushed when she said, 'boyfriend', "y-yeah," he mumbled, looking down, blushing.

After that, they walked around for a while, liking the ambience of the park. Hoseok slowly held her hand and intertwined their fingers. He cheered and did a little dance in his mind when she didn't pull back.

"We will come here every year," Soomin said, to which the guy agreed happily. "Will your driver come to pick you up?" he asked, when they both stood at the exit of the park, "yeah, I'll just text him," Soomin said, taking out her phone. She sends the message and put her phone back in her bag, she turning back to look at her new boyfriend who was already looking at her.

He looks around to see if anyone was there but not many people passing by that street. He takes a step forward and placed his palm on her cheek while the other hand was still holding hers. Soomin's heartbeat accelerated, and when Hoseok looked at her eyes asking for her consent, she simply closed her eyes, Hoseok let out a shaky breath before closing the distance between them and placing his lips on hers. He sucked on her lower lips as she started to move her lips with his, it was their first kiss and God was it good. They went slow and gently, with no urgency in the kiss, just feeling each other's lips. It felt like they weren't able to get enough of each other. It wasn't until they heard a passing car's horn they broke apart.

They both were breathing heavily, their foreheads pressed together, "I really really like you, Minnie," Hoseok whispered under his breath and Soomin's already blushing face became ever redder. She shyly smiled, before hugging him and hiding her face in his chest.

Happy reading!❤️

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