1. The Tons of Boring Hour

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That sound pulled his attention again. It always does. That siren. Not police, fire station or ambulance. It's the siren of the olive green, strong iron van ran on the road, which almost gave the feeling of earthquake. He heard in the news today's morning, an armed force team was needed nearby, as there was a rumour that a bomb was planted at a hospital.

The team of army would be patrolling all night because of that. He sighed a long breath, taking in the cold air of the New York evening. It's been more than a year since he has left his passion, his ultimate goal, his team. The special force, SHIELD.

Well, he had to retire, sooner or later. He tried to console himself and stood up from the bench he was sitting on. He started to walk on the grasses of the central park. He's nothing to do to pass his time, no one to have a drink with. Everyone is busy in their life, except himself.

" Hey, Rogers?! " He turned around to find the old man half-running towards him. " Slow down a bit, will you? I'm catching up with the age. "

That man was trying to put his hand on his shoulder but he pulled away. " Stop acting like you're my childhood friend. People will think I'm lot older than I seem. "

He was Haward Stark. The founder of Stark Industries. He still wrapped his one arm around his shoulder with a laugh. " Well, technically, you are. You're retired already, that too at the age of 30. "

Steve sighed shaking his head," Way to hurt a man's feeling. Why are you here anyway? Ain't you tired?"

He nodded," I am. That's why, let's go grab some coffee. You know I can't drink, so..."

Steve laughed a little," Yeah, aunt Mari will kick you out. "

Haward looked at him and whined like a child. " Hey hey! Have some sympathy for your friend, Rogers. " They reached at the cafe and ordered coffee after taking their seats. Haward took a sip from his cup then started hesitantly," Um...Tony...came back. Last night. "

Steve looked at him then looked down again. Haward sighed," Steve? You know why I've never asked it's reason , right? About why you two are not talking to each other, acting like starangers even if sitting in the same room? "

Steve nodded. Then the old man continued," That's totally upto both of you. You guys played together, ate together, studied together, fought together and practically lived together. Can't you tell? Not even to me? About what happened between you about a year ago? "

Steve sat his coffee on the table with a sigh," Uncle....", Haward narrowed his eyes at him. That made him chuckle," I mean...Haward. You just said a moment ago, that you've never tried to interfere us. So don't. Please, keep that book closed. "

" Okay, tell me about it. What happened to him and that girl....umm...Pepper?" He's not seeing or talking to her either. It's like he's broken up with you and her at the same time. "

That surprised Steve. Tony has broken up with Pepper? " Wait. He's not dating Pepper anymore?! Since when ?"

It surprised Haward too. " When he left for Italy after whatever the fight was between you two. Even initially I thought that probably you and Tony both liked Pepper, so you guys fought and walked in your own ways. "

Steve shook his head," No! I've met Pepper a few times but...never asked about them.... because I thought probably Tony has told her everything and bringing that up will be awkward between us too. "

Haward shook his head and finished his coffee. " Why it's so difficult to understand the kids of this generation?! "
They walked out after that and Haward drove off to Stark tower and Steve started walking towards his apartment.

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