33. The Demon Among Us

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It's Wanda's wedding day. The biggest day in her life, and as well as Steve's. His sister is gonna get married in some hours, she's so happy. Means, he's happy. He's peeking from the door as Pepper and Jane helping her with her wedding gown. He felt a tap on his back and found Yelena narrowing her eyes at him," What?"

" She's not here yet?"

Steve understood that she's talking about Natasha. " Not yet. "

Yelena gasped then sighed," You kidding?! She's at her work today? "

He shook his head," No. She'll be here in some minutes. "

Yelena didn't believe him of course. " She's told you some excuses right?"

Steve got a phone call and saw its Natasha. He raised his eyebrow at Yelena and she rolled her eyes in response. He received the call," Hey Nat. "

" Steve, tell Wanda to hold on for a minute. I'll be there soon"

" Don't worry. We still have much time. Where are you now?" Steve asked as he walked downstairs.

" I'm at the entrance of the vanue. "

" Wait there, I'm coming. " He hung up and took the elevator. He came out and saw Natasha and Joshua are coming towards the same elevator.

Natasha saw him," Sorry, Steve. I didn't wanna be late..."

She's quick to explain but Steve stopped her with a smile," It's okay. " Then he looked at Joshua. " Hey, man. Sorry I couldn't tell you earlier. Would you like to join us?"

He shook his head with a smile," Sorry, can't do. Your girlfriend here is taking a leave of one week so I'm overloaded with work. Anyway, congratulate your sister from my side. Don't have any present either, so... it'll be awkward to attend. "

Steve waved off," Don't worry about that. Thanks anyway for stopping by. " He nodded and left. Steve turned to Natasha," Let's go. " They both took the elevator to upstairs.

In the dressing room, Steve locked the door and asked Natasha to get changed. But instead she stood up in front of him, biting her lip in hesitation. " Steve, I'm sorry. I didn't wanna create any problem today of all day. I was just trying my dress and I messed up it's straps. Then I hurried to the store to fix it. Then my car broke down and thankfully, I saw Joshua and asked him to drop me off here. "

Steve kept looking at her amusedly then held her shoulders. " Nat, relax. We're not going anywhere. You didn't need to explain everything now..."

She tried to respond quickly," But still..."

He stopped her," When you said you'll be here in some minutes, I trusted you. Don't ever think like you owe me some explanation for your action. And besides, if you got some problem with this dress, then you could've come here and have swapped with a new one. You didn't need to go to some store and all. "

She nodded with a pout. " I didn't wanna talk about this small problem and create a fuss at the last moment, that's why..."

Steve tucked a strand of hair behind her ear," It's okay. Go and get changed. We're already running late. " She nodded and went inside. After a few minutes, she came out and Steve forgot to breath for a moment. She's an absolute angel. He's damn lucky to have her.

Her gown is touching to the floor as she's standing tall in front of him. He walked closer to her," I didn't know maroon colour was created just for you. "

She raised her eyebrow with a smirk," That good?"

He nodded slowly," Of course. You're beautiful, Nat. Absolutely gorgeous. " He stepped closer and placed a soft kiss on her lips before looking down in to her eyes," Can't imagine how you'd look in a white dress instead of this one. "

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