37. Getting Back To Reality

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Bucky and Wanda are sitting in their living room when Steve came in from their bedroom. He sat across them, cleared his throat then started in hesitation. " Sorry, guess... I just over-reacted. "

He got a hard time to accept the reality. How can he believe that his parents are no more? And he also has a sister, adopted, and she's married to his bestfriend. So after coming back from hospital, when Bucky explained these, he couldn't handle it and spent some time alone.

He looked at his sister," But how...did it happened?"

Wanda couldn't answer it. She knew he won't be able to hear it. Bucky stepped in," It's not the right time to know more about it. Take one step at a time, okay?"

Steve nodded," Can I stay here with you two? If you don't mind?"

" Of course you should!" Wanda instantly replied. " I can't let you live at your house alone like this. "

That evening Bucky came to the room where Steve is," Steve?" He turned to look at him from the window side," You wanna go somewhere?"

He nodded slowly," Sure, if you want."

Bucky nodded with a smile," Let's go then. " He took Steve to a beach and both sat on two chairs on the sand, facing towards the blue waves.

" This place used to be our favourite hangout destination. " Bucky started after few moments," You, Wanda and I would come here and stay for hours. "

" Thanks for helping me out." He's feeling so awkward and embraced by himself.

Bucky chuckled," Ah.... what you'd have done without me?"

Steve sighed and looked to his left. Something caught to his eyes. The beach side breeze is waving a pony of red hairs. That redhead! His thoughts instantly shifted to the woman he saw in hospital that day.

Is it her? No way. Why would she be here?

Bucky caught him staring somewhere, he followed his sight and saw a woman with red hair is sitting at a distance of few meters from them. " What are you looking at?"

Steve looked at him and turned red as he's smirking at him. He shook his head," Nothing, just...."

" You wanna talk to her?" Steve's eyes widened.

" No! Why would I?!" He protested.

Bucky rolled his eyes," I used to set you up with some girls during our highschool days. Because you were so nervous to ask anyone out. So...let me be your wingman again."

" No. I don't want you to do anything." Then he kept looking ahead.

Bucky shook his head then looked at the woman again, and he realised it could be Natasha. Because in these past three months, she would come here when ever she needed to cry. She was so upset to see Steve in bed, motionless. Now she's more heartbroken since Steve has forgotten everything.

He opened his phone and sent a text to Natasha. And his guess was right. That woman is Natasha.

" Are you at the usual beach?"

" Yeah. Why?"

" We're here. Steve and I. To your right."

She looked at them. Bucky waved at her behind Steve's back so that he won't notice him.

" Come here and talk to him. "

" How can I talk to him?" She wrote in shock.

" Just like coincident. He's already seen you at hospital. I'm leaving. "

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