29. Where Priority Lies

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Natasha picked her phone in a hurry as she saw the caller ID. " Hey, when are you boarding your flight?"

" What?"

" I asked when is your flight to New York." She confirmed her question.

Steve sighed from other side," Well, I traveled the whole night to New York. Waited for you at your house for hours then Yelena came home and said you're not coming home because you're busy in some very high profile case. I had a severe headache during flight so I was sleeping till now. " Natasha couldn't understand a thing. " And yeah, today's Sunday. "

Her eyes widened as realisation drowned her. " What?! Sunday? It means you're already home?! Oh my God how can I forget that you were coming yesterday night! Where are you now?!"

Steve chuckled on her," I'm at my apartment right now. "

She stood up taking her bag in a hurry," Okay. Don't go anywhere, Rogers. I'll be there in a minutes. " She hung up and ran out.

Exactly few minutes later Steve opened his door and Natasha jumped into his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist and hugged him tightly making him surprise.

She started sobbing slowly on the crock of his neck. Steve rubber her back with a smile," Calm down, Nat. "

She sniffled a little shaking her head," I'm so sorry, Steve. I totally forgot that you're landing today's morning. "

He hugged her back," It's okay, it's okay. "

He moved to his couch and laid down on his back, still having Natasha in his arms as she's not ready to let him go. " Natasha, it's been forty minutes. "

She pressed her cheeks more into his chest," I can stay like this for forty more hours. Just let me be. "

He didn't complain. He missed her so much. They slept like this the whole night. The warmth was back with them, and they're not ready to let go of it.

Next morning Steve made breakfast and coffee and they sat on his couch. He noticed her mood is disturbed and she's in deep thoughts. He thought it maybe right time to talk," Nat?", She hummed in response though she's not looking at him. " Did you think about what I told you at the airport before leaving?" Now her attention shifted to him.

" About what?"

That made him rethink if he should talk about it. She doesn't remember? " You know, about...us getting married?"

A little horror look passed through on her face as she stuttered for answer. " Of course I thought about it. But...I wasn't sure...if you were..."

She couldn't complete her sentence so he concluded," If I was sincere?"

She gasped in surprise," What?! No. I knew you were sincere. I just couldn't think about it more, because....I got busy and... thought we would talk about it when you'll comeback. " He still didn't look convinced, so she moved closer to him and grabbed his hand," Steve, I swear. I've never thought that you were bluffing about your feelings at the airport that day. I'm just so busy in a very difficult case from months that's why..."

Steve tried to hide his disappointment with a chuckle," I know, I know. It's okay. Forget about it. Tell me what's the case, I'm curious about it. "

She sighed holding her coffee cup again," It's a hit and run case. A woman is dead, her husband is in hospital and she has a daughter of nine years old. The final hearing is next week and I really wanna bring justice for that kid. "

She blinked to hide her tears. He rubbed her arm soothingly," Nat, don't let it get into your head. You're past that. "

She nodded biting her lip," I know, I'm trying not to get affected by it personally, but....I keep seeing myself in that little girl. Standing there alone, tears in eyes, looking here and there but no-one is near to help. I just wanna be her last hope, I can't let her end up like myself. "

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