4. Some Revelation

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That evening, Alexi called Steve to his garden sat there across each other. " Do you drink, Mr Rogers?"

Steve nodded with a smile," Sometimes."

He poured two glass for both of them. " So let's say today is the time. " Both chuckled on it. " What you did today, at the hospital earlier. That was not less than any miracle. "

Steve raised his eyebrow in curiosity. Alexi sipped his drink then continued," She wouldn't eat or drink, she wouldn't do anything as we ask. Clint and sometimes Laura, those two are the one whom she listens to. "

He sighed then looked at him," Can I trust you Mr Rogers?"

" If you want, then go ahead." Steve kept his face straight.

Alexi laughed shaking his head. " So...I was running a liquor business in Russia. With my best friend. Ivan, Natalia's father. He died in a gas explosion, but made me promise him that I'll take care of his seven year old daughter. And I tried to keep my promise. I did my best. It seemed great for years, but two years ago, she had an accident at her shooting spot. Some of her crew members died, but she survived. And result? She became lifeless being alive fully. She just cut herself from us, from her dream work, from her friends, everyone. She just isolated herself. Sometimes she listens to others, that's it. She doesn't talk. And she's diagnosied as some freaking psychological disease, and can't speak since then. "

He was really emotional, Steve can tell. Because his voice was breaking in the middle. He continued again," So when I saw today, she drank the water you gave her, I was just amazed. How did you do that? On your first day?"

Steve chuckled shaking his head," I don't think there was any miracle. I guess, she drank that because she was thirsty, or maybe she found me very annoying and thought if she wouldn't drink, I'll keep nagging her about that. "

Alexi smiled at him," Whatever that was, Mr Rogers, you made me happy, my friend."

Steve raised his eyebrow," Friend?"

He nodded," Yeah, friend. First you saved my wife, then... somehow broke my daughter's shell. At least she responded you, that's too much. Now I'm having a strong hope, that she'll come out, slowly but still, she will. "

Steve nodded and stood up," I hope that too. I'm gonna leave now. " And left for his apartment.

He parked his motorcycle and took the elevator to his floor. He stepped out and instantly sighed as he heard noise from his apartment. He walked in and saw them sitting in his couch and talking loudly. " I was gonna report for robbery in my place. You both are lucky. "

His adopted sister, Wanda stood up from the couch and pointed to his bedroom," Do you even come to your house at night? What is this?! Everything is thrown here and there. "

Bucky, his childhood best friend, nodded in agreement," You thought about robbery right? I thought that too. When I saw your suitcase is thrown on the floor."

Steve put his hand on his hips and sighed loudly," Listen guys. Why don't you do one thing? You both, don't come to face together, okay?! Don't stand or even walk in front of me together?! Are you getting the words coming out of my mouth? It makes me feel sick that, my best friend, like my brother, is dating my sister. "

Bucky sighed dramatically," Buddy, it could have been an amazing solution. If you would have dated my sister, Rebecca, in exchange. But sadly, she's like ten years older than you so..."

Steve interrupted him," Shut up!! Till our middle school you were saying we three are siblings. But suddenly few months back I heard you both are dating. "

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