5. Breaking the shackle

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Flashback continued, Steve's pov-

Steve kept looking at the walky-talky in his hand for a minute, the laughter of Draykove echoed in his mind. He looked at the two agents, sitting there with smug looks on thier faces. He sighed deeply then shot his gun, staraight at their forehead. His team was shocked seeing his actions. But he didn't care.

He looked at Sam," Give me my phone. " He handed it to him. His phone has powered off, so it took a moment to run it. He called a familiar number," Hey, Buck. Go to Wanda. Wherever she is. Go to her. "

" But I'm picking lunch for her, she's at School. She told me to..."

" Just forget it and go to her!! Now!! I can't explain everything now." He yelled impatiently.

He then called Fury. It rang few times and then went to voicemail. Where the AI informed that Director is busy in an important meeting. He grunted in frustration.

Sam looked at him," Give a call to Stark. "

Steve nodded then called the contact, Tony. " Hey Tony, where are you?"

But he cut the call. Steve dialled again," Listen, Tony. I know you might be busy now. But please, can you check on my mom and dad immediately?"

" I don't have time for your s*it Rogers!! F**k off!!"

And the line went dead. He tried again again, but he found the number unavailable at that moment.

No no no. Not now. He was feeling difficulty in breathing. He need to calm down unless he'll have a panick attack. But he didn't have time to calm himself down. He called Haward. He started praying under his breath then he picked the call on the fourth ring.

Steve started without giving him time to respond," Uncle, please. Please, check on my dad and mom. Please. "

" Steven. Calm down. What happened?"

" Mom and dad are in danger. Some people are there to kill them. " His throat is feeling tight as he tried to swallow the rocky lump.

" What?! Steven, don't worry. I'm on my way. " And he hung up.

Clint pressed his earpiece," Mission abort..... I said pull out!!.... Yeah, start the jet. " Then he looked at Steve," Let's go Captain. "

Steve shook his head," But here..."

Sam urged him," It can wait. Let's hurry." Steve nodded and they ran out from there to board the jet. It would take few hours to arrive at New York, and he wast sure of anything.

Steve's phone rang, Sam was holding and he extended to him," It's Wanda. "

Steve took the phone and answered," Wanda? Are you okay?! What about mom and dad?! " He heard her crying from the other side. " Wanda? Please tell me they're fine. Please. "

" Ste... Steve....mom....mom and dad....someone..... I don't know what happened. Dad had dropped me at school in the morning. Mom went to hospital for her early shift. Police is.... saying.... someone...." She couldn't speak as she was hiccuping constantly. " Buck....is...injured too. He's not opening his eyes. His hand was bleeding. I'm at hospital.....police is.... outside. Please come home...."

He controlled his silent cry," Yeah..I am. I'll be there in an hour. " And hung up. He started to sob. Everything just finished in a span of few hours. But he has a question? How did they knew about their personal files?! It's supposed to be secured in SHIELD private files.

They landed at SHIELD headquarter base. Fury was already there and approached him first. " It was Pierce. He leaked your profile through Ramlow, and the Russian gang got it. World security council held a meeting, that's where I was. I'm sorry, Captain. "

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