20. It's a Total Mess

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Steve was in the AI chamber when Melina walked in with two cups of coffee. She placed one in front of him and sat across him with one of her own coffee. " So, what's the news about Pierce?"

Steve sipped his coffee then nodded," Says he's trying."

She nodded at him as well," He's lying. "

Steve nodded in agreement. " Yeah. "

" By the way, can I ask you something?"

Steve raised his eyebrow then nodded. " Sure."

Melina was hesitant for a moment," Um..How did you end up in SHIELD?"

Steve sighed nodding at her," How should I start? Well, I really wanted to join Army but couldn't because of some health issues. For example, asthama. My dad's best friend, Haward Stark, he introduced me some doctors and had a treatment for that. But unfortunately, Army refused my recruitment as they thought I'd taken some drugs to cure my Asthama. Don't know how Nick Fury got to know about me and sent a car to pick me directly. "

She asked more curiously," How was it? Your moral experience?"

He became quiet for a bit with a sigh. " Regret. Now, I'm regretting for joining SHIELD. "

Her eyes softened," That bad?"

He nodded looking at the coffee in his hand. Some terrible memories flashed in his eyes. He sighed raising his eyebrow at her," Hey, why the heck we're talking like real friends?"

She chuckled on it," That's because we are?" He smiled a little shaking his head.

He cleared his throat," Let me ask you something too. Have you ever thought about working in your relationship with them?"

" You mean... Natalia and Yelena?" He nodded. She hesitated at first. " No. Because.... I don't wanna try to live up to their expectations. I'm afraid that I can't fulfill that role. God has rewarded me with a biological default anyway. I'm not suitable for that position...A mother. "

" Just like an escape from reality?"

She laughed a little," Very much like that." She finished her cup of coffee. " You know, you're the first person I've considered as a friend. I never had one. In school days, I would run to my father's workshop as soon as classes gets over, and it went on in my college days as well. I didn't have time to hang out with anyone, kept myself busy, every minute was important for me. I lack in that category. I'm like a lonly cat. "

He nodded thoughtfully. " Guess I'm very fortunate in it. I've so many friends, good ones. My two childhood best friends, even one of theirs father is my best friend. " They laughed on it. " Yeah, I'm lucky to the extent that my ex's cousin is one of my good friends. "

She laughed with him. " Wow! You've a knack of having a weird collection of friends. "

He chuckled a little," You're in that weirdo list, on the top. " She rolled her eyes with a smile. Just then his phone rang on the table. He saw the caller ID," It's Mr Shostakov." She nodded at him to take it. " Hello Sir..... Sure.....I'll be there in some minutes....Okay." He hung up. " Need to go to red mansion. " Then he walked out.

Steve met Alexi in the hall and he told him to sit across him. " Natasha is going to meet a producer. So you need to go with her." Steve nodded and Alexi walked out with the driver.

Steve walked upstairs and hesitated before knocking the door to Natasha's room. She opened it from other side and asked him to come in. She was already dressed up. She locked the door making Steve look at her weirdly.

Natasha chuckled a little. " Don't worry. I'm not gonna do anything with you yet. " She moved closer to him, he took a step back, she stepped closer again, he stepped back. It went on till his back touched the wall behind him. She smiled at him," You said, you'll be leaving after one month, right?" Steve didn't react, kept looking at her in confusion. " Give me that one month. "

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