42. Our Dream, Now Reality

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" Tell me why are we sitting here since half an hour." Natasha murmured leaning her head on Steve's shoulder as they're sitting next to eachother at the second row in front of the stage. " Tony said their wedding will start at 10:30 but it's already eleven now. "

Steve chuckled placing a soft kiss on her palm. " If you're bored, why don't you go to the bride's dressing room and make yourself relaxed?"

She shook her head leaning more into him," She didn't ask me to be her maid of honor, so why would I ?"

He laughed again," She has a sister, you know. You can't expect that place. "

She rolled her eyes," Yeah. Whatever. I won't ask her to be maid of honor on my wedding either. "

" You're being dramatic. "

She smirked at him," You love me though. "

" I do. " Then he kissed on her lips briefly.

" We get that you both are in love!" Tony shouted from the bottom of the stage. " This is my wedding and you guys started PDA already, trying to steal all the limelight again, huh Rogers? As usual."

Steve shook his head as Natasha chuckled beside him. He stood up to go to Tony but noticed she won't let go of his hand. " Nat? You planning to let go of it for a sec?"

She stood up, still holding his hand tightly. " Nah. I'll go with you instead."

" I didn't know you're a clingy type, Romanoff. " He teased a little.

" Because I'm in love, Rogers. " She smirked as a blush coated his face slightly.

Tony glared at them as the couple walked up to him, still hand in hand and all smiling. " You guys get married today and Pepper and I can do that later, how's that?"

Natasha shrugged off," Sounds awesome."

Steve hid a laugh," I know you don't care about it, but Tony, don't embarass us - your friends, in front of your guests. " Then he looked to his side," Hey, Rohdes." He shook his hand with a smile. " Sorry, couldn't notice you earlier because of.."

Rohdey nodded eying at Tony," Yeah, no problem. Old habits dies late. His habit is annoying others. " Tony just rolled his eyes.

" Oh. This is Natasha, my fiance. " He introduced her to him, then looked at her," And Nat, this is Rohdey, Tony's best buddy. " She and Rohdey shook hands with a hii. " And please tell me you don't have any mission, meeting or camp next month. August 10th. "

Rohdey smiled at him," Really? I'll definitely try. Can't miss your wedding. "

The pastor held the mic," Everyone please take their seats. It's time. "

Steve and Natasha sat side by side. Seeing all the rituals Tony and Pepper performed with his family. They dreamt themselves in their place. How Steve will say his vows, everyone cheering, laughing and crying, then she'd also say her own vows and get same kinda reaction from their family and friends. Put the wedding rings on each other's finger, then the priest announce them husband and wife with the blessings of God. And then they'll kiss in front of everyone, announcing their life long relationship to the world. This is perfect. This will be perfect. They started at each other for a moment, then looked at the stage when everyone cheered as Tony kissed Pepper, marking the end of the ceremony.

" Okay, everyone get ready. " Sam started. " It's time to toss the bouquet. "

Natasha stood up with a giant smile," Let's go. I want another one. "

Steve let her drag him by his hand," Another one?"

She looked back to him with a smile," Yeah. I still have Wanda's bouquet in my room in a vase. "

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