9. Outside World

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Few days has been passed. Steve was busy with his searching about his desired information. After a week or so, Steve went to red mansion. No one called him from there, but...for some reason he wanted to go there.

He's just doing his work right?

He asked himself.

Ofcourse. That too very dedicatedly, but not professionally.

He got an inner-answer. Not professionally? Why?

Because he wants to see HER.

Steve nodded to himself. Yeah. That makes sense. He's here to see her. Maybe to check is she's okay. Hmm. That excuse is understandable.

He walked in to see Yelena was struggling to stand from her chair. " Oh. So Mr Shostakov was talking about this?"

She has hurt her ankle somehow and couldn't go to her studio in this condition. She looked at him with a hard glare and tried to stand on her own.

Steve shook his head with a sigh then walked closer to her. He held her both shoulders and made her balance on her feet. " Can you walk ?"

Yelena huffed with a smirk," Unless? You're gonna carry me in your arms just like you took her to her room?"

Okay. So she's talking about Natasha. Steve huffed at her as well," Ofcourse not. I'll get a wheelchair for you. "

Yelena yanked her hand out of his hold and walked into her room, limping her right leg. He shook his head and walked upstairs.

He heard something from inside of her room. That's sound of a running commentary. He pushed the door open, and walked in. He saw Natasha was watching at it very intensely. It's a basketball match.

She noticed his presence but didn't turn to look at him. " You like this game?" She sat there silently. He sighed," Have you ever met them?" No reaction. " Do you wanna meet them now? " Her eyes moved away from the screen, not her face though. Steve guessed her reaction and smiled at her," Get ready. We're going. "

She instantly dropped the remote on the table, but paused with a sigh when she realised Steve was there. He went out with a chuckle.

Steve came back after few minutes and Natasha was ready till then. She's wearing a hoodie which was covering her head as she couldn't be recognised. Both of them walked downstairs, and the maid, Mrs Miller was shocked and very happy when she saw Natasha. She stayed back, not coming in the way of her and gave a thumbs-up towards Steve. He nodded with a smile.

They got into the car while he's driving. He called someone. " Hey! ....where are you?..... training?......Okay. But can we meet your team?....No! Just for five minutes. " He then glanced at Natasha to his side still talking in his phone. " No no. She's someone I know. A friend. "

Natasha was sure he referred to her saying friend. Is she really his friend? Does he considers her as his friend? She didn't know why she felt a little happy, knowing someone is considering her as their friend, after a long time. She didn't know someone would be her friend, Again.

After a few minutes of ride, they reached at the training hall of the women's NBA team. Steve opened the door for her and scanned her face to make sure that her face is well hidden. Both of them walked ahead. A tall and blonde girl in tracking jersey approached them. Steve waved at her," Hey Sharon!"

She walked up to him with a smile," Hey Steve! So...is this your friend?" She nodded at Natasha.

Steve nodded at her," Yeah. She's ... Nat. " Natasha looked at him sharply. But she kinda liked it. Nat. It doesn't sound so bad. "My friend. And...Nat? This is Sharon....a good friend since a long time. "

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