35. Hospital

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Natasha's heart is thumping in fear.

No. No. Please be safe.

She can't believe he went somewhere and found being shot in his chest. Why did he have to go? She wanted to ask him so badly but strangely Tony's super speed car is like not moving at all. Some minutes is feeling like hours as they're desperate to get to the hospital.

Tony braked the car in front of the hospital entrance and Natasha and Wanda practically ran towards the elevator. Now this elevator seems like slowing down. They arrived at the exact floor Maria told them to come.

They rushed up to the agent as she looked at them. " Where is he? Does he seem critical?" Wanda asked in hurry.

Hill shook her head with a sigh," I don't know about his condition. He's been taken into operation room just now. "

Wanda nodded then looked at Natasha. She's looking numb. Not saying anything, just breathing heavily. But she can't force herself to console her as she needs someone to console her right now. It's supposed to be her happiest day in her life, which turned out something worse.

A few minutes later, a doctor came out with a nurse beside him. He looked at them," Family?"

Wanda glanced at Natasha, she didn't even lift her eyes towards her. She sighed then nodded at the doctor," It's me. His sister. "

He cleared his throat at first," Uh...Well, we need your signature on the consent form. "

Natasha's eyes flicked towards him," What?! How critical he is...that...you need consent..?"

He eyed at her then looked at Wanda," Frankly, we're just hoping that we could save him... somehow. And for that...he needs surgery right now. Four bullets has entered in his lungs area and based on the MRI scan, it's not looking good. We can tell you something surely...only after the surgery. "

He sighed then started again," And...there is also something worse than that. " They looked at him for answers. " We found some hard pieces of glass in the back of his head. And it looks like it has damaged some parts of his brain also. We're trying to stop the internal bleeding for now. So...that's why your consent is must. There is not much possibilities, I just wanna make it clear, I don't wanna sound harsh. "

Natasha felt like the air is leaving her body. Wanda barely held her tears and nodded at the doctor. He looked back at the nurse and she held out some papers for Wanda.

She took the pen gripping it tight as her hand is trembling and signed on it. The doctor nodded at them assuringly and walked into the surgery room with the nurse. Natasha took a seat on the bench as she's feeling light- headed. Then Wanda sat next to her.

Maria pulled out a silk pouch from her jacket pocket and held it out towards Natasha. She looked at the pouch then at Hill.

Maria nodded at her then she took it and opened it to find a sparkling object in it. A slow and painful sob escaped through her lips as she held the silver band with a blue diamond on the top of it.

Hill sighed," I think you're the owner. He had it with him. " She cleared her throat," I'll go see Sam. " Wanda nodded at her and she left them alone.

Then Natasha let her tears fall as she held the ring tightly in her fist.

She's so stupid. Yelena had told her once that Steve has a ring. Why did she keep quiet? What if she missed the chance? What if....he never wakes up? What would she do without him?

Wanda understood her thoughts, she placed her hand on her shoulder," Stop running your brain. He's gonna be okay." Natasha just nodded silently as more tear slipped from her eyes and Wanda couldn't control her tears either.

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