2. In A Wrong Business

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Steve got a call from Fury that morning. Without explaining further, he just told him to meet him at the SHIELD headquarter. Steve got out of the elevator. The first sight of the corridor brought back the old memories.

A group of agents were talking, Steve walked up to them and stood behind them. " Hello, Agent Wilson. "

A man turned around and instantly smiled as he got a glimpse of his firmer leader. " Captain? What a surprise?!" And leapt onto him for a hug.

Steve clapped his back then looked at other agents around him. " How are you all doing? Everyone good?"

All of them nodded with a loud ' Yes, Captain '. Sam told his calleagues to leave and walked ahead with Steve. " We just got here back from France last night. That was one of those rough missions I always wanna skip. "

Steve laughed on this. " Well, I'm not here anymore to cover your absences. You gotta be more responsible as you're appointed as the Captain of our group. "

Sam groaned in annoyance. " Ahh. You didn't need to bring that up. Don't know how you were managing. Ever since you left SHIELD, Fury is dragging me for every mission. He probably has mistaken that I'm as capable as you. "

Steve shook his head with a smile," No he hasn't. You really are capable of leading our team, probably more efficient than me. "

Sam made a cringe expression," Now I definitely think that you're making fun of me. " And both of them laughed a little.

Maria Hill, the managing director of SHIELD special force, walked up to them. " Good morning, Mr Rogers. Director is waiting for you. "

Steve huffed at her," Whoah. Ms so-proffesional Hill. You could have asked how am I doing and all. I thought meeting you after more than a year would be a little different. "

She raised her eyebrows with a smile," Well, I can't help it. We're at work, so..." Then she looked at Sam. " No outer scratch, I see. Thought you'll be treating yourself or maybe sleeping after returning last night. "

He shook his head," I'm fine. Just three knife stabs on my thigh. It's nothing. "

She smirked at him," Just three? Yeah. It's nothing, certainly. " Sam faked a glare at her.

Steve laughed and interrupted them. " Still nothing is between you two?"

" No...", That was Sam.

" Yeah....", It was Maria.

Both said at the same time. Both shared a panicked look.

" Of course...", Now it's Sam.

" Not at all...", And it's Maria.

Their answers reversed.

" That's how you give away your secrets." With that, Steve walked towards Fury's office with a chuckle, as Maria glared at Sam.

Steve walked inside as a loud ' come in' sounded from the chamber. Fury nodded at him to take a seat across him. " So...what are you doing nowadays, Rogers?"

He huffed a little," Nothing. Just slaking off. There isn't something to do for people like us, anyway. "

Fury sighed before starting," There is a job for you, I would like to recommend you. Since you're unemployed. "

Now his angry nerves are pounding. " Yeah, because you kicked me out. "

Fury leaned forward to intimidate him by his stern look. " I didn't. I just wanted you not to go for missions anymore. I wanted you to take a break and..."

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