38. Memories Hurts

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In front of Peggy's house, Tony stopped Steve," Stay here, I'll talk to her. "

He narrowed his eyes," I was here to..."

Tony interrupted him," I know. I'll just tell her that you're here so that she could be prepared to face you. " He nodded mumblling 'okay'.

Tony pressed the doorbell and Peggy opened from the other side and called her inside. " Uh...Steve is here." He started hesitantly. " To talk to you. "

She's surprised," Me? Does he... remember everything now?"

He shook his head," Not everything but...your London days. " He sighed," You should clear it, let's not keep him hanging. She nodded.

Tony walked out and came in with Steve following him in a moment. Steve's eyes followed in her then roamed around her house. She cleared her throat," Come on in. Let's have a seat."

Steve kept looking everywhere and his eyes widened when he spotted a picture of a baby on the wall. And another picture of a couple on the table. And he's sure the man in that picture with Peggy isn't him. He looked at her for explanation.

Peggy found it hard to answer as she wasn't sure how he'll take this situation. " You can tell everything truth comfortably. " Steve said as he noticed her uneasyness. " I haven't gone crazy, my brain is functioning fine, something has just deleted from it. "

She nodded," We...we had broken up years before your accident. I'm married and already have a daughter who's gonna turn one next month. "

He nodded trying to process this new found information. " I'm sure...I must have been caused that. " His eyes fell down in disappointment.

Peggy shook her head," No. You didn't. I was just....not the right partner for you." He looked up and smiled at her in return.

" Hey, honey, I was....", Daniel, her husband walked in and stood in shock seeing Steve there. " Hello..." He waved at him awkwardly.

Steve looked at him for a moment then raised his eyebrow," Have you been to any soccer game with Peggy?" Daniel shook his head looking at her then at Steve cluelessly. " Have you ever been to Old Trafford, Manchester?"

He shook his head again," No...I guess?"

Peggy gasped and Steve smiled at her," You remember that?!" He nodded. Then she looked at her husband," Well...Steve and I had attended a match in Old Trafford, as Manchester United is my favourite football team. A few times?"

Steve stood up laughing at Daniel's face, then looked at Peggy," You should take him there atleast once. He's whining. "

Daniel scoffed," I'm not!"

Peggy laughed and Steve shook his head." I wish I can see your daughter, but she's sleeping I guess? No noise?"

She nodded," Yeah, she just took a nap."

Steve looked at Tony and nodded at him to leave," Okay. I'll be going now. " Then he looked at Peggy again," Thank you, Peg. Even though I don't remember clearly, I wanna say I'm so happy for you. So proud of you knowing you're doing good." Then he nodded at Daniel and left with Tony.

On the way, Steve slid down the glass of the car and looked at Tony," Can you drop me off at the beach side?" Tony looked at him unsurely but nodded anyway.

Steve walked through the wet sands as the sea waves touching his shoes. He walked away from the water and sat down on the sandy-ground. It's time to gather his thoughts.

His parents are dead.


He doesn't know.

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