31. The Party

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Natasha closed the door of her room and slid down against the door, she hugged her own knees and shut her eyes desperately as she's hearing so many voices. Mostly Steve's.

The pain in his eyes when he said- " You don't believe me?" . When she just discarded his opinion.

" Don't I have any right to care about you now...as your boyfriend?"

He cared, he always did. He does. As an unknown bodyguard, and now as her loving boyfriend.

" How am I supposed to understand you when we haven't met in weeks?"

How can she stay away from him, then expect from him to understand her troubles?

" How can I understand you when we haven't talked in days?"

He talked, tried at least. But she didn't. She turned down every one of his advances.

She pulled her phone out of her bag and tried to call Steve as tears threatened to spill rapidly from her burning eyes. " Please, please, Steve. Pick up. "

" Maybe I had never have this importance in your life, ever. "

" You do, Steve. You have so much importance in my life. Please don't think like that. " She talked into the phone even when he hasn't answered her phone yet.

" If you wanna end this, end us, go ahead."

She shook her head, not bothering to wipe her tears off from her eyes as she sobbed in the phone, still the call is going for voicemail. " No. Never. I would never consider it. I would never end this. I will never end us, Steve. Please, pick up your phone, babe. Please. " She pleaded desperately, but no answer came from other side.

A loud knock broke her trance and she quickly opened it, hoping for a way out. She saw Yelena standing there, looking down at her in concern. She frowned and knelt down in front of Natasha," What happened?! What's worng with you?!"

Natasha grabbed her sister's hand desperately," Yelena, he's not answering my calls. He's not responding me! Please, Yel. Do something, please. "

A sheer pain stung into Yelena's heart seeing her sister crying like that. She held her shoulders," Calm down. It's above midnight already and you know he never stays awake till late night. "

Natasha shook her head and showed her phone to her," No, no. He's not responding any call. See? It's thirteen times! How can he do that, Yel? He said I can do anything and he won't object. It sounded like he meant he didn't have any worth in my life, in our relationship. How can he say it?"

Yelena pulled Natasha into a hug as she's crying her heart out. " I love him, Yel. I love him. I made a huge mistake and he won't forgive me. He loves me but I made him believe that I don't love him that much. "

Yelena pulled away and held her sister's crying face. " He knows. He knows that you love him. But you have to work on it. You have to show him how much you want him in your life. You have to prove that he mean to you the same as much as you mean to him. Can you do that?"

Her sobbing stopped a bit as her hiccups are shaking her body. She nodded," I'll do that. I'll do anything. " Yelena was about to leave standing up, but Natasha her her hand amking her look at her again. " I love you, sestra. I was just so into my past and problems that I couldn't see around myself. I'm sorry, baby. "

Yelena shook her head and hugged her tightly as her eyes welled up in tears. " It's okay. I love you too. Just...stay with me forever, sestra. You're the only one I have."

She nodded and patted her head slowly as she let Yelena hold her and cry this time. They'll always be each other's support. Forever.

Steve was sleeping in his bed when he heard another groan. " Come on, Steve. I'll be a married man day after tomorrow. And I can't waste the last night of my unmarried life. "

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