28. " Its Just Four Months"

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Steve reached for his phone on his bed. But something stopped him. He retreated his hand back with a sigh.

It's the third month. And he's having very bad feeling about it. First month was amazing. He and her would talk for hours, even in facetime. It felt as he's in some business trip and they're sharing some fun talks.

Second month was exausting. They couldn't mantain the time anymore. Just some phone calls, twice or thrice in a week.

Now in third month, he hasn't talked to her since nine days. No. Ten days. Due to the time zone difference between Europe and America, they can't reach eachother. When he's free, she's busy. When she's free, he's sweating in the gallery.

Now situation is worse. It's so unbelievable that they were in love for almost two months, now suddenly after same two months, he's hesitating even to text her. Because two days ago he called her to wish her good luck for her permanent placement in the same law firm where she was doing the internship, but for five or six times he was sent to voicemail. Yesterday morning she just texted him saying sorry. He texted back congratulating her, and she replied with a single ' thanks'.

He dropped his head on the pillow and tried to get some sleep.

Natasha's day came to an end once she finished her paperwork. She saved some files in her computer and took her bag to leave. Her hand paused when she was about to put her phone in her bag. She kept looking at the device for a moment.

Is it her fault that they're falling apart?


Then, is it his fault?

Definitely not his.

Then what went wrong? She had no idea. They thought everything would go fine, at least she believed so. And he tried his best. But it's so tiring for her. Because whenever he calls, texts, she can't help but wants to hold him close to her, feel him closer.

But it's not possible. Worse thing is, she can't blame him. She kinda forced him to go. And she knew he left reluctantly.

She wanted to call him, but the dry responses she's been giving him was a slap across her face.

" Romanoff ?"

She looked at the door to find her senior lawyer, Joshua. " Should I drop you home? You left your car at the court. "

She nodded with a sigh," Yeah. Thanks. Let's go. " And she walked out with him.

Steve walked into the gallery and changed his shirt before putting on another tshirt. He has to finish this current piece of art in four days and he hasn't finished it's half.

Steve looked back when he noticed someone walking in. He nodded at her in greeting," Good morning, Lurien. "

His co-worker smiled at him," Morning, Steve. " But she narrowed her eyes at him," You're looking dull today. "

He chuckled," Didn't get much sleep. "

She got ready for her work. " You badly wants to go back, don't you?"

He nodded with a laugh," Yeah, kind of. "

She handed him the required colors and raised her eyebrow at him," Are you committed, Mr Rogers?" Steve looked at her in confusion. " I mean... engaged? Married?"

Steve felt awkward talking about it. "Not really....but..-"

Lurien completed his sentence," Kind of?"

He laughed along with her. " Yeah. I mean...I told her that we'll get married when I'll comeback. So... comitted, I guess?"

She observed the colors then looked at him," Going through a rough patch?" Steve's body stiffed. " It's common when you stay away for months. "

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