23. Similar incidents

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Melina was in her office when she got a call from Alexi. She answered it," Hello?"

" Is there an uninvited guest in your office?"

She smirked looking at the person sitting across her," Yeah. Your dear friend Senator Richards is here. Asking me to hand all the documents of my foundation to him. Unless you'll have a big trouble."

" And what are you gonna do?"

Melina thought for a moment then nodded," I think, I'm sure I won't. I won't give up on it. I don't care about others."

Alexi laughed loudly. But this laugh is kinda different. " That's sounds like my wife! Stick with it. " Then there was a long pause. " Honey, I know you know about me ordering the hit on your parents." Melina was definitely not surprised, but she got curious. " But I had no choice other than that. I had to follow the orders given to me. "

Melina narrowed her eyes," Are you trying to apologise? Acting thoughtful?"

Alexi chuckled from other side," Not really. I'm just acknowledging my mistakes. "

She huffed a little," That's sounds like my husband!"

" Now, get to the business. Kick his a$$ and throw him out. Without further questions."

Melina hung up and laughed on the shocked face of senator Richards. " It's probably the first time I'm agreeing with him in ages. " Then her look hardened. " Now get lost from my tower unless...you don't wanna know it's consequences."

He stood up with a challenging smirk," You should be worrying about consequences." And he walked out leaving Melina wondering what does he mean.

Meanwhile Steve was driving with Johny beside him. They're going to Victor's address. Steve angrily honked repeatedly as there was so much tight traffic. " Damn it!! Move!" He slammed his hand to the steering.

Johny looked at him in panick," Calm down, will you?! You'll send us to hospital in no time."

He ignored his concern and stepped on the gas. " You stupid! How come you don't have his number?!"

Johny rolled his eyes," Because he was my sister's boyfriend, not mine. And it's been so many years."

Steve cussed under his breathe and sped up more. He had contacted Melina earlier and got the number through which Alexi had talked to her. And asked Tony to trace that. But all the unfortunates are dancing around him today. They arrived at the location directed by JARVIS, but he found Alexi's phone broken into pieces. Means, Victor has moved to somewhere else taking Alexi with him.

So he needed Johny to find his adress and they're getting there. But Johny was also not sure if it's accurate.

Steve stopped the car in a forced brake. And jumped out of the car followed by Johny. "Steve!!"

Steve turned around pausing for a moment as he's busy to open all the doors of that garage. " What?!"

Johny showed him signs of fresh tyre marks at the entrance as it has rained that afternoon. " I think he was here. " Steve nodded. " Let's check the basement."

Steve ran towards it and Johny followed him. They opened the door to the basement with so much struggle.

But when the door opened with a bang, the scene in front of them was horrifying. Johny turned around covering his eyes with his both hands. " Oh my God!! Oh my God! What is it?!!'"

Steve couldn't breathe for a moment too. The image in front of his eyes is very similar. Alexi was laying on the floor. His both eyes were bursted, drenched in dark red blood.

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