39. The Ring 💍

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Natasha took a cab and put Steve in to the seat and sat beside him, as his head dropped on her shoulder and she held his hand. It took almost an hour for Steve to calm down. And she sat hugging him, drenched in rain and muddy because they both sat on the sandy ground.

The taxi stopped in front of Bucky and Wanda's house. His body is getting hot because probably his fever came back again as Bucky had informed her.

She held his torso and rang the bell on the door. Wanda opened the door and gasped in shock," Is he okay?" She asked holding his other shoulder.

She nodded and they took him to the bedroom and laid him down in the bed. Natasha covered him with a warm comforter and put her hand on his forehead to check the temperature.

She looked back to Wanda," Do you have any medicine for him? He's having fever right now. "

" I'll get it. " Wanda nodded and walked out and came back with a box in a bit. She handed it to Natasha. " Where did you find him? Your clothes are....was he at the beach?!"

She nodded slipping two pills into his mouth then made him drink a sip of water, then she set a pillow under his head and let him sleep. She stood up turning around," Let's talk outside."

"Should I call any doctor?" Bucky asked them from the couch at the hall.

" No. I think he'll be alright. He took medicines. " Natasha took a seat in the sofa and Wanda sat beside Bucky across her.

She sighed before starting after a long minutes of silence," Let's not ask him to remember anything from now on. "

" Why? Natasha, he's remembering slowly. I'm sure he'll soon remember you. " Wanda tried to figure out why she's saying it.

Natasha closed her eyes, trying to wipe Steve's image off from her mind when he was breaking down in front of her. " You know what he was gonna do? He was walking into the water. He was walking into the sea. " The shock was enough to make Bucky and Wanda speechless. " He remembers about...your mom and dad. "

Wanda's eyes welled up in tears and she turned to look at the room where Steve's sleeping. That incident must have hit him hard. He has always been blamed himself for his parents' death. Now that he's remembering that suddenly, it must have been unbearable.

Natasha swallowed a tight knot in her throat, pushing her tears back. " His life is more important for me than his memories. So I don't want him to remember about me from the beginning. Because he'll have to go through some horrible incidents again. Our kidnapping, then my dad and mom's...I mean....Melina's death. It'd be hard. So I don't want him to relieve those. "

She smiled through her tears," I can make new memories with him. Forgetting those painful past, and focusing only on our future. Let's spare him from hurting himself this time. "

Bucky nodded," You're right. He's already gone through so much. "

Natasha stood up and walked up to the bedroom. Looked at Steve's sleeping body then left saying goodbye to the couple and asked them to inform her about him.

Steve woke up next morning and felt light-headed. He had fever and was axhausted, he can feel it. Then he thought about yesterday's incident. At the beach, while it was raining heavily, he was walking into the sea.

Then an angel showed up, with wet red hair, screaming at him in concern and fear.

Why would she do that?

Why was she so worried about him?

Is his doubt true?

Was she connected to him anyhow?

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