3. When We Met

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Next morning Steve was at the red mansion, Alexi's house. He walked into his study room and saw a waman was sitting across him, he couldn't see her face as she was facing her back towards the door. Alexi noticed him," Hello, Mr Rogers. Here, meet my wife, Melina."

She turned around and she raised her eyebrows in surprise, then she stood up smirking a little. " Wow. I didn't think we'd be meeting this soon,.. Steve. "

He felt weird again, how come his own name doesn't sound good from her voice? Melina looked back to her husband. " He's the one I was talking about....the other night. "

Alexi looked at him," Ooh, that's him? Mr Rogers, the world needs people like you. You helped my wife from those robbers that night. Thank you for that. And, I think you made your mind up?"

Steve nodded slowly," Yeah. I'll work here. "

Alexi sighed ," Huh. That's a relief. "

Melina walked past him, but stopped on her track for a second," Welcome... Steve." Then walked ahead with a smirk closing the door behind.

Alexi looked at Steve," Let's talk in the hall. "

Just when Steve stepped out of the room, someone collided with him, and a cup of coffee fell down on the floor. " Can't you see where are you going?"

Steve stood there not saying anything for some seconds then raised his eyebrow," Sorry." That was his model daughter he was talking about probably. 

She looked at Alexi, glaring at Steve," Dad! Who's this rude bas**rd?!"

He looked at her sternly," Yelena. Driver is waiting in the car. Go." She walked out angrily.

Meanwhile, someone was watching this little commotion from upstairs, peeking from behind the door. She saw Yelena yelled at someone. So she looked at them curiously. Then she got a glimpse of Steve. Surprisingly, a new face in this mansion. She saw him saying sorry to her sister, if she would say.

Just then Steve sensed someone's eye on him. His special force training came handy here. He looked up to his right, a door closed rather hurriedly of that room. Means, someone was watching him.

The house was quiet, so Alexi heard the door closing noise too, and followed Steve's sight to find that room. " That's my other daughter. She's keeping herself locked there. You'll be going to hospital with me and her. Today's her appointment date, at afternoon. "

Few hours later, Alexi walked into her room. He saw her laying down on her bed in the same position, turning her back towards him. " Malyskha. It's time to go to hospital, dear. I know you don't want to. But Dr Cho don't want you to cancel this week's appointment as well. Please. "

Natasha sat up on her bed then stood up slowly before walking inside the washroom. Few minutes later she walked out and came downstairs with Alexi.

Steve was in the driving seat when he saw her through the side rearview mirror. How should he describe her? Well, she has that unique red wavy hair, which was shining by the afternoon sunlight. Her face is that beautiful, that he forgot to breath for a moment. No doubt she was an actress, that too a good one. Her curves, her lips.... Wait!!

What is in the hell world happening to him?!! He can't believe he just checked her out, while seeing her for the first time!!

His hold on the steering wheel tightened as he closed his eyes, cursing himself for losing himself in her appearance. To make his condition worse, Alexi made her sit at the same side as the driver's at the back. Three of then set to leave for hospital now. On the way, Steve couldn't help but stealing glances of hers through the mirror.

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