Escape from Konoha

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Kakashi moved as fast as he could with a new born baby. Having run into a few Shinobi from the leaf believing he was a traitor. To a point he was, his sensei had asked him to take the little Jinchuriki before he could be used as a weapon for the village. However he had thought the trail of his demise would hold off his pursuers better.

Flashback 3 Days Earlier

Kakashi landed to see both his teacher and his wife laying in a pool of blood. "Sensei!" Grabbing Minato's shoulder he turned the man over. "Hey Kakashi."

Tears flowed from Kakashi's visible eye, "It's okay. I need you to take Naruto out of the village. Hiruzen cannot protect him from the villagers. They will only see the fox." Minato looked over at the sleeping baby. Kakashi put his sensei down and grabbed the blond baby boy.

"I want you to take him to Kanesa in the Land of Sun. There are surviving members of the Uzumaki there. Please protect him." Looking at the baby and then at his sensei he knew this was going to be trouble. How could he take care of a baby. Everyone in his life dies.

"I know this is a lot. Only tell those you trust. Please tell Jiriaya I'm sorry." Kakashi's body started to shake from the emotion the fourteen year old was going through. "I sense people are about to arrive. Take your little brother and go." Touching him Kakashi suddenly was teleported into his sensei's home.

Grabbing what he could, he made sure he had everything he needed for Naruto. Stopping by his home. He grabbed his own clothes and any weapons he may need. After setting his Konaha head band on his bed, he decided to stop by and say goodbye to Obito and Rin.

Present Day Near the Land of Fire Boarder

Running he was stopped by eight Anbu. One of them he knew quite well, "Kakashi Hatake. You have been ordered by the Third Hokage to return to the village with the Jinchuriki."

Giving the Anbu an eye smile "Oi Tenzō! Good to see you. However I must complete sensei's last request." Pulling out a Kunai he prepared for a fight.

The Anbu moved first. Four moving into the tree throwing kunai at the copy ninja. Several hit their mark only for the white haired Shinobi to disappear. An Anbu with a owl mask attempted to defend himself but was struck by a lightning bolt.

Flipping his kunai, Kakashi deflect two incoming strikes of Anbu tantos. Moving faster then they could recover he trapped one in between a rock wall and a tree. Flipping his foot met the side of the man's head knocking him out.

The next Anbu started to weave hand signs. Kakashi matches her. Sending a fire ball at the girl before she could attack. As she tried to recover Kakashi was in top of her. With a quick elbow strike to her neck she was out of commission.

Wood emerged from the ground towards Kakashi. Grabbing one of the tantos on the ground he charged chakra through the blade. Using his father's white fang style, lightning surfed through as well. In seconds the wood was splinters. Before the remaining Anbu could attack Kakashi created several lightning clones. As they engaged Tenzō yelled for them to stop.

Unfortunately for them he was to late. His remaining team were rendered unconscious. "Kakashi please come back with me."

"I'm sorry Tenzō. This was Minato's plan. After the birth of their son, both he and Kushina planned on leaving the leaf." Kakashi proceeded to tell his friend everything that his sensei learned. From the fall of Uzushio to the survival of some of the clan. "You know Danzo will attempt to take him. I have to protect him."

"Are you still loyal to the leaf?" Tenzō pulled his mask off and looked at his first true friend. "Yes I am. I won't instigate anything with the Land of Fire."

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