Forest of Death

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All the genin who survived the first test made their way to the Forest of Death. Following suit was Naruto and his team as well. Standing next to Team 7 Naruto listened to Anko as she gave them the instructions for the next test.

"Alright you little shits! You will have three days to complete your mission. Everyone will have a scroll assigned to them either an Earth or a Heaven scroll.  You must have both to pass. If you open it before hand you fail. If you're killed you fail!"

Hikano leaned in to Naruto, "Seems excessive don't you think?" Naruto chuckled, "Yeah. Way to waste your future resources for some stupid test."

Naruto tilted his head as the kunai Anko threw at him flew past. Appearing behind him she licked up his cheek, "I was hoping for blood. Would you pay attention samurai boy."

His wazikashi was drawn and pointed at her belly, "If you want to threaten me you should be more careful."

"Oh Keigo was right. I like you little fox." She couldn't help but laugh as she looked down at the blade.

Before they knew it though another person appeared behind them, "You dropped this." Naruto was taken back. How had this girl gotten to them without him or this Jonin sensing it.

"I suggest you back up or I'll kill you." Naruto didn't need his sensory ability to know she felt the same unease.

"Now little Genin you better get going!" Everyone took off as the gate opened. Naruto and his team made it into the trees moving as far and as fast as they could. After running for twenty minutes they stopped and took in their surroundings.

"I don't sense anyone around us currently. But be careful shinobi are tricky." Both his friends nodded to the blond. Yahikio looked at Hikano, "Hey Hika. Can you send your shadow wolves to scout out any possible teams we can take out."

"Hai." Five shadow wolves appeared. Nodding they all took off. Hikano had discovered he had a nearual link with his animals. They were connected making his scouting abilities incredible. 

Yahikio smiled as Naruto handed her the scroll, "You're the fastest of us so you have the best chances at keeping this safe."

"Right. Let's get a move on then." She said with a smile. Moving back into the trees the three samurai kept a close eye on any possible threats.

As they progressed further into the forest Naruto sensed three teams coming straight to them, "Stop."

Everyone followed his orders, "Three shinobi teams. Higher then Genin level chakra. Moving in on us right now "

Keeping his hand on his katana he waited. Just as a konouchi appeared she fired off a water bullet at his location. Jumping out of the way they all scattered to engage the enemies.

Naruto appeared landed as three Shinobi surrounded him. Two shinobi and one konouchi. From their haite he could see they were from the Land hidden in the Clouds. One drew his katana and attacked.

Blocking the strike Naruto spun. Deflecting the tanto of the Konouchi. Rolling he slashed the legs of the third ninja before he could react. Elbowing him into a tree he swung his blade slashing across his chest putting him down.

"Damn it. Kill the demon brat." Naruto lifted his katana into a forward guard. His eyes turning into slits, "You will need to be better then this to come close to killing me."

Hikano spun his Naginata around him deflecting each attack. Kunai and shiruken couldn't break his defense. A smile dawned his face as his wolves returned. One grabbed a ninja by her ankle. Pulling here under the brush. The girls screams ending as fast as they started.

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