Slug Sannin

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Naruto held a ball in his hand as he tried pushing his chakra through it. He got through the balloon quickly and the ball didn't seem too much harder. After around twenty minutes a pop was heard.

"Your chakra control is incredible." Jiriaya called out. They continued walking as Naruto grinned, "Though I shouldn't be surprised. You are a samurai."

"Now. There is a village here we are going to be staying at. I have some spies nearby so I can get info on Tsunade."

"Alright Pervy Sage. I'm fine with that." The two headed into the village where Naruto looked around with excitement. So many little vendors and people everywhere. Seeing a Popsicle stand he stopped for a moment.

Jiriaya chuckled before going up to the lady running the stand, "One orange please." She smiled as she handed him the treat.

Breaking the treat in half he handed the other piece to Naruto, "Thanks Pervy Sage!"

"Our hotel is up ahead." Getting things settled they decided to take a break at the bath house.

Setting into the water they let the heat relax their tired muscles. Sitting in the water though Naruto became very aware of the other male's anatomy while he was there. Turning redder by the second.

Jiriaya noticed this and chuckled, "Don't be embarrassed Naruto. There is nothing wrong with appreciating other bodies. Plus this can give you an idea for when you're older with that boyfriend of yours."

That made the whole thing so much worse for the thirteen year old. Banishing the thoughts from his mind he decided to change the subject, "Pervy Sage. Can you tell me how Minato came up with the Rasengan?"

Nodding he looked into the sky almost like he was visualizing his memories, "It was during the Second Great Ninja War. Our unit was dispatched but we accidentally ran into two Jinchuriki. Minato and I probably would have been fine but we couldn't let our men die."

Naruto smiled thinking about how his dad cared for his fellow ninja, "Before they could fire two tailed beast bombs he teleported us all back to the village. He stole the idea from the tailed beast and wanted to give the Jutsu to your mother."

"That's so awesome. He really was amazing huh?" Jiriaya smiled fondly, "Yes. So was she though. Her power was amazing. Even without full control of the foxes chakra she was powerful."

"He isn't wrong your mother was a powerful and skilled woman." Freezing just for a moment, he had never had the fox talk outside the sewer. "We are connected brat. I was impressed so I opened the channel between us."

Naruto nodded before looking back, "I hope I can make them proud." Jiriaya laughed, "I'm sure you already have!"

The two finished at the bath house and made their way back to the hotel, "Naruto you go back Igot some research I need to do."

Before he could say anything though Jiriaya was gone, "Damn perv!" Naruto stormed back to the hotel. Sitting down he placed his weapons in front of him. Closing his eyes he began meditating. Hopefully before hey wouldn't be hear long.


"Come on Itachi. We could just wipe them out and take the Jinchuriki. No way can we lose. Look how weak they are." Itachi looked at his partner and rolled his eyes, "Kisame. We can fight Kakashi and we may even win. But we will die all the same. Stay hidden until we find out prize."

"Fine. But we sh-" before.he could finish Kakashi stepped into view, "What do we have here? Itachi Uchiha."

"Oh now this is getting fun." They saw Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai step into view. "Finally some fun!"

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